Chapter 7

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I was back in my dream again, same room, different lady. The lady I saw in my first dream when I was drowning. She was standing in front of me. 


I looked at her when she called out my name.

"You may not be able to remember them after the process, but at least you'll be there with them. I promise."  

She walked towards me with a small grin. But it didn't look sincere as the previous person. She slowly held out her hand to me.

"Do we have a deal Flora?"

I hesitated for a moment before letting out a sigh and bringing up my hand to shake hers. She tugged me towards her gently and gave me a small hug, whispering into my ear.

"You're doing the right thing Flora. Remember....Wicked is good."


I heard a few voices faintly as I slowly opened my eyes. 

"What the bloody hell happened to her? Is she gonna be okay?"

That sounded like Newt. 

"Goddamn Shank broke the rules and went into the maze. Look at what his last minute decision did to her." 

And that must be Gally.

"Calm down guys, she just fainted from emotional shock. She'll wake up sooner or later." 

And there's Jeff informing them calmly. 

As if it was on queue, I let out a small groan as I tried to speak. 

"Gally? Newt? Jeff?"

All three boys stopped their conversation and gently approached me as I slowly sat up from the med-jack bed. 

Jeff poured me a glass of water and I took it with a small thank you before gulping it down. I looked around and saw that it was night time already. How long was I knocked out?

"How are you feeling?" Newt asked

"Uh...Fine...I guess." I answered softly. Still trying to process what happened before this. 

"You scared us Flora, everyone thought they were about to lose you too." Gally added. He looks worried as always. 

Wait, 'lose you too'?...

I remember now, Minho was carrying Alby back from the maze but the doors were closing and the greenie Thomas went in. They're stuck out there for the whole night. Not even sure whether or not they'll be coming back at all. 

Finally realizing what was going on, my eyes were suddenly tearing up.

"They're not coming back, are they?"

The boys noticed it and started showing concern, but they didn't say anything because they knew what I was feeling right now. 

Newt knelt down beside the bed. "Do you want us to leave you alone for a while?"

I nodded, eyes moved downward to my lap as I fidget with my own hands. 

"Yes please." I paused. "Actually...Can Gally stay?"

Hearing my request, they nodded in understanding, and stood up, Jeff giving me a pat on my shoulder before leaving with Newt. 

Now alone. Tears started streaming down my face. But I didn't sob. I just sat there on the bed staring out into space like I always do. 

Maze Runner: SAFE [Gally x OC]Where stories live. Discover now