FORTY NINE: Thanks For the Meal

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Grunting, he lead me over to a small table, kneeling on the ground, and I followed suit, placing the folder before him.
"Thank you for going out of your way." I stared at him intensely as he picked it up, so many questions whirling around my head.
"Why did you need it?" That seemed like the most logical and straightforward of the lot.

"Classified." That was a word I was quickly growing tired of. Narrowing my (E/C) eyes, I tried to stand my ground against the goliath.
"Seriously, Enji, you need to tell me. You know something, and I think I have the right to know what it is, especially if it's about my hu...About Hawks..." The room grew quiet as my companion thought about my words, but I knew what the answer was before he even opened his mouth.

"I believe it would be best if you don't know at this point in time." He sighed, raising a hand as I went to stand and leave. "However, I will say this..." Slowly, I sat myself back down, straightening myself up as much as possible.

Anything...I just need something...

"I don't think whatever Hawks did was intended to hurt anybody. Quite the contrary. I believe he's trying to save a lot of people." So many suspicious thoughts swam through my head, but my first instinct was to lock them away until I had a moment to myself. Delving any deeper whilst being a guest in someone's house would just end in disaster.

"Yeah...well...I guess that came with one hell of a sacrifice..." Standing, I offered Endeavor my hand. "Come on. Your daughter really did her best to make an amazing dinner. We shouldn't keep her waiting." The pro took one look at my hand and snorted, opting to climb to his feet himself. We both knew if he had accepted I would have thrown my back.
"I guess I have you to thank for bringing Natsuo. I honestly didn't expect him to come."

I'm as surprised as you are, buddy...

We wandered back out to join the others, and I sat myself between Natsuo and Fuyumi, the former scooting closer into my side and avoiding all eye contact with his father.
"Don't force yourselves to eat anything you don't want to, alright?" Fuyumi smiled sweetly as she motioned to the jaw-dropping spread.

"Everything is really delicious! Despite having such a deep flavour, the skin of this tatsuta-fried chicken has the perfect amount of crunch, resulting in such an exquisite mouthfeel thay just-"
"Stop analyzing your damn food! I can't focus on my mapo tofu with your damn blabbering!" Bakugou snapped viciously at Midoriya, and Fuyumi and I exchanged a glance, giggling to ourselves.

"Well, of course." I turned to look at Natsuo, nervous due to the flat tone of his voice. "Ever since our housemate threw out her back and retired, Fuyumi has been taking care of the cooking." He was definitely out to make Endeavor uncomfortable, and I sneakily jabbed his side, giving him a warning glare.

Come on...Don't do this...I'm pissed off at him right now, too...but think of your sister...

"Give yourself some credit, Natsuo! We take turns, don't we?" Fuyumi's smile didn't falter, but the small droplet of sweat on her brow didn't go unnoticed.
"Eh? Then I've eaten your cooking?" Wow, the youngest Todoroki actually expressed something on his face for once, and looked to his older brother curiously.

"Ah, I wonder about that. I might have been forced to stop." When Natsuo directed his gaze towards his father at the head of the table, I really thought I could have been cut in the cross fire. I'd never seen this side of Natsuo before, and it was strange. "My cooking didn't reach someone's standards."

Hello? (Y/Emergency services number)? Yes, I'd like to report an impending murder?

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