"Can, where is Jade?"

"She... she stayed with a friend, P'Ae. Why?"

"Good timing! Can, you know the Wishing Tree Resort, right? Bring her there tomorrow and invite Champ as well. I know he's in the country."

"What's happening tomorrow?"

"I will propose to her. The company trip was just an excuse so I can set it up. Pond and I will go there ahead now. I'll leave it up to you. Around 7pm will be perfect."


"Yes, Can? Is something wrong?"

"Nothing, P'Ae..."

Can's eyes are already turning red as he fight the urge to cry. But he took another can of beer and a deep breathe as he continue.

"I brougth Jade and Champ to the resort without telling them what's happening. I just told them it's a get together. Then the broken engagement happened. P'Ae was devastated. He went to seclusion, literally drinking every single day and night. He lost his job but P'Pond help him to be able to resign properly. He was a living wreck. He won't talk to anyone. But I decided to stay because I love him and of course, the guilt. After almost a year, I received an offer to work in New York but before I left, I decided to tell everything to P'Ae and how he reacted to it was different to what I expected."

"One night, he was sober, I decided to tell him everything and risk it. He might hate me, I knew that but I can't leave without telling him."

"P'Ae, I will be leaving soon to the US. You have to pick yourself back together or go back to our house so they could look after you!"

"I can perfectly look after myself, Can. Thank you very much! You don't need to worry about me!"

"How can I not worry? Seeing you drunk everyday! You won't eat until I shove food in your mouth! P'Ae, that girl is not worth your time. Stop hurting yourself already."

"I love her, Can..."

"P'Ae, there are things I should have told you way before but I can't. I can't see you hurt. But now, I don't care anymore. You need to know or the guilt will kill me."

"P'Ae looked at me so attentively, I flinched. But I decided to tell him about the miscarriage and the relationship. I was bawling my heart and my eyes out. Repeatedly asking for his forgiveness. I was so scared to look at him until he took my chin and raised my head. He was crying but smiling, a sad smile that I know he wears when he is sad but wanted to comfort someone else. But what he said that night, liberated me from the pain and guilt of lying to him, of betraying him."

"Can, none of these is your fault. Jade made her choices and as much as those choices hurt me so bad, it wasn't your fault. I'm sorry that I didn't notice how hurt you have been. I'm sorry that you worried so much about me. I'll work on picking myself back together, so please stop crying. I'll be better. I promise you and everyone who cares for me. "

Can was sobbing, continuously. Tin moved to put his hand over his shoulders.

"Can, that's enough for today."

"It's alright, Tin. The story is almost over. You see, Pete, after that P'Ae started to move on. With small steps, he was able to live a regular life. We all know he is still sad. There are times that he looked like a zombie, alive but no purpose. But that's better than him hurting himself and compromising his health."

Pete was a crying mess. He can't imagine how someone could hurt his P'Ae this way. It was so painful to hear how this girl had hurt his friend and boyfriend. He felt a certain hate, a rage within him. He doesn't want them to feel that way again.

"Can, thank you so much for telling me all these. I know it's hard for you do to this but still you did."

Can smiled weakly.

"Pete, you know why our family loves you so much? Why we accepted you without question?"

Pete looked at Can with a confused expression before he shook his head.

"Because you brought back P'Ae to us. You brought back the happiness in him, the capability to love again that we thought we would never see. You brought back his true smile that we have been longing to see. Thank you, Pete!"

Can moved out of Tin's hold to hug Pete.

"I would just ask you one thing, please don't ever lie to my P'Ae. If things will change, let him know."

Pete let go of the hug and pouted.

"Can! I would never ever hurt P'Ae. I can't live without him. Noh knew about that. I love him so much that thinking he will leave me can make me feel like I'm dying."

Can laughed, the first laugh he had since they enter the restaurant.

"I know that Pete. I was just messing with you. Now, going back to the bitch. Don't let anything she say bothers you. You are the most important person in P'Ae's life right now. Please be strong for him. Don't ever leave him. And don't ever let that bitch take P'Ae from you. Do you get that?"

Pete nod fervently that made Can smile widely.

"So, is that all that I need to know? Did the bitch has been doing something to meet with P'Ae?"

"She did call and asking P'Ae to meet her."

Can sighed and cursed under his breathe.

"Pete, trust my P'Ae, okay? He will never leave you, no matter what. I told you he is the most loyal and honest person I've met in my life. He will protect you the best way he could. So don't ever doubt him."

"I will, Can. I love him so much and I know he loves me too, even though I am a ball of  anxieties and insecurities. I'll do my best."

Tin looked at them. Can suffered so much and he wanted to make everything for him better starting today.

Can was busy drinking, feeling much lighter when Pete spoke.

"Can, I'll come with you tonight. I want to see P'Ae."

"Sure. Tin said he will drop me off so that will not be a problem. Right, Tin?"

"Yes, boss!"

Tin replied playfully.

"Then that's settled. Let me just finish all the drinks I ordered before we go home."

"But Can, you don't have to finish it."

"Ohhh, Tin. I already ordered them. It will be a waste to not finish them!"

Pete watched Tin and Can argue. He was never good with alcohol so he didn't want to risk it. He has so much he wanted to say to his boyfriend and he will make sure he will do just that, tonight.


I hope everyone is doing well. Stay safe and healthy. We can get over this pandemic.

I still go to work, walking a few kilometers because there is no transportation due to lockdown. That's why I still find it hard to update this.

I hope you enjoy this update. A bit shorter but I'll make it up on the next update.

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