Chapter 6 - My Name Is Denim Dusk

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Dusk's hand slapped the top of his alarm clock, shutting the annoying device. He stretched a bit while yawning as he got out of his bed.

"Recommended time for sleeping is eight or something hours right?" he thought while brushing his teeth. "Should be nine to ten."

Glancing at the digital clock that read 8:30am, he made his way to the door only to remember that he was still in his sleep wear which comprised of a simple shirt and some shorts.

"...That could have gone badly," Dusk muttered to himself as he opened the door sometime later, dressed in a his usual wear, a white short sleeve shirt and black jeans. He had two waist pouches that contained his ammo and his gun resting at the back within it's sheath, all of which was wrapped around by his tail, looking like a fluffy belt of some kind.

Glancing at his wrapped up weapon which lay next to his door side, he saw signs of attempted theft. A bent crowbar, a broken down wheelbarrow, and chains which wasn't there the previous night, were all scattered around Edge.

"At least they tried," Dusk chuckled with some amusement as he hefted his weapon onto his shoulder. "Looks like the work of Team PLUM, honestly, Petra even left behind her student ID. Might as well give it back along the way."

Pocketing the ID, he made his way out of the dorms, checking his scroll along the way.

"Now if I remember correctly, second years are having a combined class with Professor Port," Dusk smiled to himself as he thought of the new teams. "Maybe I'll see them there."

"Good morning, Dusk," Dusk looked around and spotted Ozpin and Miss Goodwitch approaching him in the courtyard. "You don't start working to later on, so what brings you out here?"

"Petra left her student ID when trying to steal Edge here," Dusk gave a wry grin as he pointed to his weapon.

Ozpin chuckled while Miss Goodwitch rolled her eyes. "Honestly, and you still encourage such behaviour?"

"Stealing an enemy's weapon is a valid tactic," said Dusk. "Unfortunately for them, they were only able to move it a few meters before half their tools broke down."

"Not to mention, that even without your weapon your still formidable," Ozpin sipped his coffee.

At the sound of footsteps, the three of them turned to see Team RWBY and Team JNPR rushing past.

"GO TEAM, GO!" Ruby yelled from the front as they disappeared into the building.

"..." Ozpin calmly sipped his coffee. "That's one way to start the day, wouldn't you both agree?"


"Monsters, demons, prowlers of the night. Yes, the creatures of Grimm have many names, but I merely refer to them as prey," said Professor Port with a chuckle. Most of the class, however, did not share his enthusiasm.

Weiss diligently jotted down some notes, looking up every so often to see her team leader acting rather silly. Either drawing weird pictures or making silly faces, each time Weiss looked, she could feel her patience thinning out.

"A true Huntsman must be honorable! A true Huntsman must be dependable! A true Huntsman must be strategic, well-educated, and wise!" Professor Port continued

Weiss felt her brow twitch uncontrollably as she watched Ruby, who didn't seem to live up to any of those traits at all.

"So, who amongst you believes themselves to be the embodiment of these traits?" Professor Port asked.

Naabot mo na ang dulo ng mga na-publish na parte.

⏰ Huling update: Mar 17, 2020 ⏰

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