Dress Shopping

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It's been a couple of weeks since Clint had left the Avengers. I'm at a dress shop looking for my wedding dress. Tony, Natasha, and Steve are with me.
I walk out with a dress on. I look at them. "What do you think?" I ask.
"You look beautiful Joy," Natasha says.
"Thanks Nat," I say. I turn around to see myself in the mirror and Natasha is right but she's right about the dress. The dress is beautiful.
"What do you think Joy?" Steve asks walking up to me and standing next to me.
"The dress is beautiful," I tell him.
"It is beautiful and it's beautiful on you."
"Thanks Steve." I say smiling.
"Are you going to say yes to the dress?" Steve asks.
"Yes, I'm saying yes to the dress," I say.
I go back to the dressing room and take the dress off.
I get to the front desk and I'm about to pay. Tony walks up next to me and gives the receptionist his card. "I'm going to pay for your dress Joy," he says.
"Tony you don't have to," I say.
"Look I want to as part of your wedding gift from me."
"Thank you Tony I appreciate it."
"You're welcome," he says taking his card back. "Let's just say you're like the sister I never had."
I smile at Tony's comment. "I'm glad that someone can count on me other than Clint and Bruce."
Tony and I walk out of the shop and met Nat and Steve at the car.
I get a message from Bruce. I read the message and he's asking me if I found a dress. I tell him that I did and that I can't show him the dress until I walk down the aisle at our wedding.

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