The Talk With Bruce

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Bruce follows me out of the conference room.
"Joy please, stop," Bruce says. I keep walking ignoring him calling out to me.
I get to the car & think if I should just keep walking.
Bruce gets here & grabs my hand before I can walk off. "Hon, please listen to me," Bruce says.
I look at him with anger. "Listen to what Bruce!" I say. "That you may end up getting killed & that I may not see you ever again. I don't want you to get hurt Bruce."
"I won't get hurt & I won't get killed. I have a reason the stay alive & that reason is you!"
"But still Bruce what if Danny found out about us & wants you dead?"
"You know I can protect myself & you know I have the other guy right?"
"Ya I know that Bruce but I'm just saying what if you can't protect yourself." I take my hand out of his & back up. I think for a little bit. "What if I went & help stop Danny?"
"No Joy I don't want anything to happen to you."
"Nothing will happen to me Bruce."
"You have said that before & you remember what happened then?"
"That was then not now!"
"You also know that Clint won't let you help & I am not going to have you help!"
I start to cry. I walk away not knowing what to do. I hear Bruce call after but I full on run away not turning to see what Bruce wants.

My Calm In The Storm(Bruce Banner Fanfiction)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt