New Guy?

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It has been a few months since I joined the Avengers. I have meet a guy by the name of Danny.
I am at Danny's apartment with him. "So, does your brother know that you're here?" Danny asks as he hands me a glass of tea.
"He knows that you're a friend of mine," I say. "He does know that I'm at a friends house though." I smile.
"What if I was more then just a friend?"
"What do you mean Danny?"
"What if I was your boyfriend?" I just look at Danny. "Will you be my girlfriend?"
I take Danny's hand into mine. "Yes," I say with a smile.
Danny smiles as well & takes me into his arms. "Just so you know I will have to tell my brother about this right."
"You're right your brother should know about us."  I look at the time. I get up. "Where are you going?"
"I need to go home or my brother will end up worrying that I murdered."
"Ok you be careful going home."
"Don't worry I will be careful going home."
Danny walks me to my car. Danny opens the car door for me. "I love you," Danny says.
"I love you too," I say. Danny kisses me & I kiss him back.
I get into the car & drive back to the Avengers Tower.
I walk into the lobby & Clint is standing there waiting for me. "Hey," I say.
"Hey I was about to come look for you," he says. "I thought you got killed."
"Well I'm here & alive." I laugh at Clint.
"What's so funny?"
"You always seem to think that I've been killed when I'm out."
"I'm sorry that I worry about my little sister."
"Well you may be a bit more overprotective because I do now have a boyfriend."
"Who is it?"
"Well the friend's house I went to his name is Danny & he asked me out."
"He best not do anything stupid."
"OK I will be sure to tell him that."
I walk into the lab where Bruce is at. Bruce looks & sees me.
"Hey Joy," he says.
"Hey Bruce," I say.
"Where have you been?"
"Well I have been at my boyfriend's apartment."
"You have a boyfriend?"
"Danny & I just got together."

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