Attack On Clint

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It's been two weeks since the fight & there is word on the street that Danny is with his ex-girlfriend but I really don't care. I'm down in the lab & I haven't slept for about 3 days now. I guess you can say that I've been having nightmares about random things like me dying while on a mission.
I haven't told anyone because I don't want anyone to worry about me. I'm sitting on the ground with my back against the wall. Bruce walks in & sees me. Bruce walks over to me & sits next to me. "You really need to get some sleep," he says.
"I can't sleep," I look at him. "When I close my eyes I instantly have nightmares."
"You can't do this to yourself Joy. You don't sleep or eat. Everyone is starting to worry about you. Do I need to call your brother here from his ranch?"
"No my brother needs to stay there with his wife & kids. He doesn't need to worry about me."
"You know your brother still worries about you?"
"I know but he needs to focus on his ranch, wife, & kids instead of me."
Someone then busts in. Bruce gets up & gets in front of me. "Who are you & what do you want?" Bruce asks.
"I'm someone that was messed with by Clint Barton & I'm here to get what he deserves," the guy says. "I want the girl because she is Clint Barton's sister."
"You're not getting her," Bruce says.
"Who's going to stop me?"
"I am."
The guys pushes Bruce out of the way & Bruce then turns into the Hulk. The guy & Bruce fight.
Bruce walks over to me. "Go run," he says.
"Not without you Bruce," I say.
"Please go," Bruce says putting a strand of my hair behind my ear.
I start to run but I am grabbed by the guy that came in. Bruce comes to get me out of the guys grasp but the guy ends up tasing Bruce. "You should not have done that," I say.
"Why?" He asks.
"Because this is what happens," I say hitting him in the face with my elbow. I step on his foot. He lets go of me & I punch him in the face again. I kick him in the groin.
He comes charging at me & knocks me to the ground. He punches my face multiple times until I go unconscious.
The last thing I remember hearing was Bruce's voice saying that he was here by my side.

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