Jericho Wilson🐻

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Imagine: Jericho when someone disrespects you

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Imagine: Jericho when someone disrespects you.
"Heyyyyyy, girl!"Some asshole shouted as you passed him while his friends wolf whistled.
Note to self: check the weather before wearing a skirt next time.
You ignored him and walked quickly away and into the record store where your boyfriend Jericho was waiting for you.
As soon as you walked in he noticed your frown and signed asking you what was wrong.
"It's nothing."You shook your head and signed back when suddenly the guys from before showed up outside.
They started wolf whistling again at you.
Jericho rolled his eyes and turned to them, giving them the finger.
He put his arm around you and walked to a different part of the shop after giving you a kiss on the forehead.

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