Hope & Despair

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Henry doodled a small drawing on the card with the fountain pen, smiling a little. "Ok, I have a general idea. I'm still rusty." Henry laughed.
Joey leaned forward, smiling. "Go on?"
"You- Erm, me, uh- go back to the gold ink thing. I liked that touch. Maybe 'Henry' is made of the gold ink and such. That's the only way to destroy Bendy."
Joey rubbed his chin, grin still plastered on his face. "That's.. not half bad. That's not bad- it's not. It's good. I like it." Joey chuckled, "You've still got your creative mind after all this time, huh?"
Henry shrugged, "It never goes away."
Joey glanced as a waiter placed down an appetizer that they had ordered ages ago. Both of them stared at the fries.
Then they fought over who got the larger ones.

Henry has started off using the quill, but quickly gave up on that, and decided to just use his finger.
The ink seemingly absorbed into his skin, but he was still able to somewhat write on the page for a little before having to dip it back in. It... kinda stung.
Allison had a good idea. It was more for everyone but him. The plan was to get everyone to the first floor, everyone. If they could block Bendy off in several ways, Henry would be able to get to him easier.
About halfway through writing it, Henry had his own idea.
"Allison," He said, snapping his head up.
Allison looked to him, "Hmm?"
"The exit- the- it leads to an empty, ink room. If I can... If I can walk in there, see how much room we have, maybe we can.."

"He'll get stuck in there. Bendy isn't the best in his own ink." Grant piped up, brushing a small piece of dust off Sammy's shoulder quickly. " Sorry- ok, uh, He'll get stuck in the ink. But he's too smart to willingly go into the ink. If we can block him off, like Allison was explaining, then maybe we'll have a shot at pushing him or forcing him in there."
Allison nodded, then took the ink and quill from Henry. "I'll continue with this, do you think you can make it back up to the first floor again?"
Henry stood now, "I think I can."
"Good luck."

Henry stared down at the now cleared stairwell. He's never gone down the music departments exit. The stairs.
Sammy always stopped him.
Henry took one step down, then heard he music director call back to him.
Guess he always stopped him.

"Henry! Wait- oh." Sammy said. He quickly approached, then hopped on to the first step. "I'm coming along."
"You- aren't objecting to me?" Sammy asked cautiously.
"Why- would I? We're sorta like friends now, I trust you to not murder me." Henry smiled, walking down the rest of the steps with Sammy not too far behind.

Henry wasn't too sure why Sammy wanted to come along. Either Allison sent him or he just wanted to. Or- he would find the entrance, then go back, and lead everyone up.
That was more logical. Good call, Allison.
The two boys got to a large gap in the stairs. There was a step that went up four almost five feet, which would be hard to reach from the step they were on. Henry helped Sammy up first, grabbing him by the waist and helping the music director grab on. Sammy then reached down and helped Henry.

"Well, here we are," Henry said as he opened a closet door, leading in to the first floor. "I don't think you can make it back down to the others that way."
Sammy huffed. "Of course not. That's how things work around here, isn't it?"

Henry giggled lightly and headed back for the exit. There was something that he had forgotten earlier. Which sucked.
The gap in the floor, it was massive.
That was the only way back down, and it was the only thing that they needed to fix before this plan became nearly foolproof. If the gap stayed, Bendy wouldn't go near the exit.

"Sammy, do you think you'll survive that drop?" Henry asked and pointed to the hole. Sammy's body language made him assume that he was uncomfortable.
"It's ok, I won't force you to-"
"No, I'll make it. I just." He shuddered. "There's some- things at the front of the music department's entrance. The coffins? Those..."
Henry blinked. "Those bother you?"
"Only because I- I know who's in which ones... I put them there..." Sammy gripped his head, "Ugh, I'll do it, I'll do it. I need to man up for once. Move." He snapped.
Sammy was about to jump in- then his body stopped him. The ink didn't want him to leave the first level. And drop. Mostly drop.
"What? No, hey, jump." He tried again, then stopped.
"Henry, do you think you- AHH!"
Henry shoved Sammy lightly. Well, more like he full on pushed him. It got a little of his anger out that he had bottled up from wayyyyyyyy before.
"Sorry!" he called.

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