Start from the beginning

"Already planning to abandened me"

"As temptating as it sounds but I will not abanden my knight in shining black van." Shining black van, huh! Before I could had convert my thoughts into words she pulled me from the chair.

"Come on." She placed a big wooden box which was lying just below the window and gestured me "come on, stand of it." I did.

"Now?" I asked.

"Now, I'm going to climb on you." She said with a mischievous grin while her eyes sparkled. "Bow" she commanded. I did. Then she climbed on my shoulder after some struggle.

"You OK?". She asked

"Who will be ok while carrying 50,000kg on his shoulder". I replied.

"Good" she replied.soon some shuffling noise were heard. "The glass is very tight". She complained. I just focused on maintaining my balance on the box and the wild Kat dancing on my shoulder. She started to shook violently.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Breaking the window". She said pulling the glass with such force,the box under me flipped and me ended up on the floor with Kat on top on me. Our eyes got locked. Her green eyes were directly looking at my blue ones.

Really a cat, wild with green eyes. Her eyes wandered from my eyes to my lips biting her own pink bottom lips then again came back to my eyes. I raised my hand and slide some stray hairs behind her ear. This action broke our stare. She shyly slide her hair behind her ear and began to get up but again fell completely on me due to a restraining force. She gained her compose again supporting her weight on her hand on both side of me and looked down to find the source of force. A strang of hair was struck to the button of my shirt. she balanced herself with one hand above me while with other hand she was struggling with the hair. I sigh.

I slide my hands around her waist and turned so that she was now under me and I am on top of her she was surprised due to my sudden action. I gestured her with my eyes to continue with the hair. Two hand is better than one hand right! She went back with fumbling with my button. I hope she don't broke the button. A tinkling feeling spread inside my body whenever her finger brushed with my skin. I was aware that she was nervous and was trying her best to not brushed her finger with my skin which was obviously difficult under my burning gaze. I was enjoying that. I took that time to admire her face, her eyes, her nose, her lips. Slowly she lifted her eyes and they soon find mine. We stare in each other's eyes which felt like eternity until the sound of opening the door broke that.

"Sorry. I forgot to tell about the door Miss tha-" we both looked at the door. Mrs. Gerald was there with a shocked face. I looked back at Kat's wide eyes and pale face looking at me and discovered the reason why Mrs Gerald was shock. We were still lying on the floor with me on top of Kat. I stood up and extend my hand to help Kat but she stood up on her own.

"I-I-I gotta go" Kat slide her hair behind her ear showing her red cheeks and dashed through the door.

"Neel!" Mrs. Gerald said with faking anger while trying to hide her smile but failed. I felt my cheeks to got hot. I scratched my neck awkwardly.

"Gary, I- ".

"No Neel, I am very much happy for you. At least it is not that half-naked lizard."she said with a smile referring to Lacey. Mrs. Gerald, for me and the boys she is Gary. She often referred Lacey as half-naked lizard due to her dressing style and behaviour. She didn't like Lacey at all and vice versa.

"The tissue paper!"Kat came again,took the tissues and went out in hurry.

"Still embarrassed" Mrs. Gerald commented. We looked at each other for a moment and then burst out laughing.

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