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Kat's POV:

I opened my eyes when I felt a jerk. "What are you doing Jake ?" Neel asked, irritated. "Sorry dude, sorry Kat" Jake replied through the back rear view mirror.

I find myself resting on Neel's chest while his hand was around my waist securing me tightly against him. His grip losed when I sit back straight "we will reach there in 5 minutes" Neel whispered in my ears while I was rubbing my eyes. I nodded. I was still aware of his hand around my waist but I neither removed it nor acknowledged it.

"We are here" Jake said as he killed the engine. I was owe struck by what I saw. A beautiful mansion was standing here. I never thought that gangster will live in a place like this. A snap of finger brought my train of thoughts back." Close your mouth and step out otherwise I have to carry you inside "Neel remarked. I close my mouth. Everybody was out of the car already. Only I and Jake was sitting in the car.

"Carry her Neel. I have to park the car. "Jake commented sounding impatient but had a smirk on his face.

"I can do it" I said her idli and stepped out of the car.

"Shit, we missed to watch our boss to carry her love inside the mansion " Ryan marked when I close the door. I looked at Neel while he look at me. His cheeks were a light pink as well as mine.

"L-let's go now "Neel abruptly said pulling me with him inside. "Don't mind Ryan. He speak anything without thinking " Neel said sounding nervous as we enter the door. I remained silent. Someone suddenly pulled me by my free hand which result into pulling away of my hand from Neel's warm protective hand." Sis will stay beside my room "Nick said pulling me towards the stairs.

"What if I want her to take a room inside mine" Seb butted in breaking the connection between my and Nick's hand.

"No way, what will Lacey think about that? She will live beside my room." Alex broke into the conversation.

"Ok, ok, what about she herself pick her room. "Jake, our master mind and most intelligent person recommended it.

" That's great. First I would like to see every room then I will pick one. Just don't tell me who's room is what. "I squicked at the idea.


"I would like to take the third room from left corner on first floor "I replied clapping my hand.

" That's the room beside mine " Nick jumped . "That beside my room too" Neel state calmly but can't hide the big smile on his face. I give him a big smile too. "I am tired. Let's go to our room" Tracey said annoyingly and made his way towards his room. "I guess we should" Jake replied with a yarn. I guess continuous driving took a troll on him.


I sign as I lie down on my new bed. Well there is a reason I choose this room. There's a beach just across two lane. from this room I can easily see the beach. This thought brought a smile as well as some memories of my past. I got up and made my way towork the window. The cold Breeze was penetrating inside my room from that window from which that beautiful scenery of the night beach became visible to my eyes. My legs started to drag me outside my room without my command. I exactly know my body is now under the control of my heart not my brain and it want to go to the beach. I silently made my way after grabbing a jacket. I tiptoed toword the main door in the semi dark room. I was about to open the door but a voice startled me.

"where are you going? "I jump because of the voice. I turned around and block the person's mouth with my hand."Shh, Everyone is sleeping. "I whisper yelled to Neel ignoring his frozen state due to my hand on his mouth. He was standing in blue pajama and blue shirt with a water bottle in his right hand bus. he eyed my hand covering his face.

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