Us and the Rainbow (Part 1)

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Summer was always a time Kaycee looked toward to.

Everything about summer enticed her into it's sunny rays and made her wish it would never end. She loved everything about it, from the spontaneous road trips her family went on, the hours she spent running around her pool, the weekly bbq nights she hosted for her friends, to the simple act of being able to wear her favorite breezy summer tops with a pair of denim shorts. She loved the smell of her coconut sunscreen and the warmth from the sand she walked on along the sea at her favorite beach. She loved the ripe fruits and delicious smoothies that consisted of her entire diet, and that the hot weather was a wonderful excuse to devour several pints of halo-top ice cream. Kaycee also loved her adorable floral sun dresses and that she got to practically live in sandals and $1 flip flops. There was not a single aspect of summer that she didn't absolutely adore.

But her very favorite thing about summer was the days she spent at her lake house. The bests of her summer always took place there, and stood out in her memory the most. Every day she spent at the lake house was an unforgettable one, especially because 90% of those days was spent with her best friend.

May 29th 2014
It was the just the start of summer, but Kaycee was already bouncing right and left, excited about having her friends over at the lake house. She wanted to swim all day and today she invited Sean over. The two didn't spend that much time together outside a few dance classes they always somehow managed to bump into each other in, so she wanted a chance to spend more time with him, she enjoyed his presence.

"C'mon Sean! Hop in it's so refreshing!" An excited Kaycee yelled up to her friend, who stood on the dock nervous.

"I don't know Kaycee, it's a long jump," Sean replied with an anxious tone. He looked down into the blue water, it looked so inviting but it was so far down and he shook his head and looked at his feet instead.

"Oh come on Sean, don't be scared. I jumped in all right, see? Look! I'm 100% okay. You can do it! Swimming in the lake won't nearly be as fun if you don't swim with me," Kaycee tried her best to convince her friend to jump in with her, she realizes that he wasn't used to it like she was.

"Guess I have to invite him over more often," She thought to herself.

"Oh alright, I'm coming..." Sean's voice trailed off. He backed up and ran to gain some momentum before hopping in with a big splash.

"See? You did it, and you're okay. Wasn't that fun?" Kaycee squealed as he appeared from beneath the water.

"No, that was so scary, I thought I was going to die. That's such a far jump, how did you do it so confidently?!" Sean yelled at the curly headed brunette by him.

"Oh come on, it wasn't that bad. You just gotta do it over and over again and then I promise it'll be fun, let's go back up and jump in again," Kaycee reassured him and swam back to the dock, ready for round two.

"Again?? Oh I'm good, I'll just watch you jump in," Sean said nervously, but the girl only swam back and dragged him to shore. He let out a sigh knowing he was going to have to jump in again, no matter how much he hated it.

The two ran back up to the dock excited to do it all again. Sean tensed as he stood near the edge of the dock, remembering how bad the jump was for him. Kaycee liked hanging out with Sean, and was hoping he would spend more days at the lake house with her, and that meant lots of swimming. But they couldn't swim if he was scared of jumping in. She was going to make Sean Lew learn to love the thrill of jumping into the lake, no matter how long it took.

Sensing his anxiety Kaycee grabbed Sean's hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze said, "Let's jump in together Sean, I got you."

He nodded and held onto her hand tightly, he let his shoulders fall down in relief, closed his eyes then jumped in with her. When he opened his eyes back up after coming back up to the surface, he noticed their hands still closely intertwined. He gets a warm feeling in his heart he had never experienced before but it quickly fades when she disconnects their hands. A subtle rosiness crept onto her cheeks for a second and he notices. He thinks it makes her look even more beautiful and wonders why, was it because of their hands? But before he can come up with any other idea, she splashes him and swims away from him giggling. He laughs with her and returns the favor, then swam after her all around the lake.

Us and the Rainbow (Sean & Kaycee One-Shots)Where stories live. Discover now