Chapter 2

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Friday. Kiki wasn't kidding. There really is a party tonight. It's at the Pi Omega Gamma fraternity house or POG for short. Not too sure what that means. I mean, googling it didn't tell me much more than the usual stuff. So, I guess I'll find out how a fraternity really is. And while I've managed to mostly keep my mind off of this awful event, I really haven't.

Looking at myself in my full-length mirror, I just know Kiki is gonna do a few acrobatic eye rolls at me. She shouldn't. She suggested I wear a dress. Fine. I can wear a dress. It's just not gonna be her style of dress. Taking hold of the fabric at my sides, I swish the skirt part around my legs. It's flowy but not that flowy since it ends at my knees.

The conservative dress is my definition of an LBD. My head tilting to the side, I travel the length of the comfy polyester. It's somewhat a looser fit in that it doesn't hug my body. The neck of the frock is just a simple square cut, fringed with a ribbon of white lace.

"You look like a pilgrim. What the hell, Luna?"

Startled, I spin around to face Kiki. Holy crap, she looked hot. Skin tight leather pants encase her legs only to disappear into black leather, knee-high biker boots with various zippers and buckles. Tied around her waist is a black and white flannel with a simple black t-shirt that hugs her perfect boobs. A finishing touch? Her much loved black leather, biker jacket which ends at her waist. Her blonde hair is done up in a braided mohawk that cascades down her back. Platinum against black. To die for. Her eyes...smoked out. All she needs is some theme music to go along with her sexy strut. I'm thinking Need you Tonight by INXS.

She smirks at me. "Dark eyes like night skies, baby."

"You look so awesome," I whisper in awe.

"Thanks. You look...Luna?"

"Hmm," I swish my dress again with a pleased smile.

"Please let me style you," She clasps her hands together tight. "Please!" She drops her knee.

"No way. I can't be like you, Kiki. I like my LBD...,"

"That! Is Not! An LBD! A little black dress is supposed to be...little!"

"Well, it's little to me."

"It's awful and you know it. Can I at least do your makeup?"

"I did my makeup. See?" I say pointing to my eyes.

Her small pixie face scrunches up til her lips disappear and her nose wrinkles. She brings her face so close, her nose touches mine.

"Mmmm. Where?"

"Uh! I have on mascara and gloss!"

"Always mascara and gloss. Please tell me you're at least wearing The Gloss?"

"Of course I'm wearing The Gloss. I would never betray Jeffree Star."

"Good girl. Okay. I suppose I can let you be yourself tonight. Just stick by me. I'm gonna have to protect your skinny butt."

Protect me? Who the hell would want me? Look at me! Of course I wore this ugly ass dress on purpose. Albeit my favorite ugly ass dress. I turn back to the mirror. I did look like a pilgrim. No doubt about it. Ha! It's my armor. No one is gonna dare approach a prude. Unless you're a dude into ddlg. I wonder if Kiki knows about ddlg?

"Kiki, do you know about ddlg?"

Her right brow rises reminding me of Maleficent. "Daddy dom little girl?"

"Oh. You do. Why am I not surprised?"

Kiki gasps. "Are you gonna be a little tonight? Oh my god!" She jumps and claps her hands.

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