nineteen | to the bone

Start from the beginning

But then there was Ryan. He was so sweet. He waited for me for hours when he could've been in bed the other day. He came to see me in the hospital after his sister beat me up, and he checked up on me all the time.

I didn't want to get into any relationship though. I'd be dragging this person through everything going on in my life, and I didn't want them to be miserable.

After everything Connie has said, maybe it'd be best if I stopped hanging around both of the boys so much.

Around 5 o'clock, we were all back at the dorms. I was able to bring the goons with me to work out. Adam stayed inside where it was cool. I wanted to be prepared for whoever we played next.

I was outside on the track at the dorms. I wore a pair of spandex and a sports bra. I didn't like wearing those kinds of things around people, especially my teammates, but my teammates weren't out here right now and I was extremely hot.

I ran around the track many times. I wanted to reach 3 miles. It wasn't much, but I needed the exercise. The goons chased each other on the field, or they tried to run with me, but most of them gave up.

They weren't even wearing the proper clothes. Lucas wore his usual boots, jeans, and Led Zeppelin t-shirt. I could never run in boots.

I finished my last lap. We all started to head out of the gates. I had my t-shirt and my water bottle in my hands. I walked behind everyone. I was suddenly stopped.

"Go run some more. You really need to lose a few pounds," I heard from behind me.

"A few pounds? Please. A few tons is more like it," the two girls laughed. Connie and Julie.

I sighed. A frown formed on my face. I turned to face them.

"You know what," I started. The two girls stood there, their arms crossed. They looked me up and down with looks of disgust on their face. I sighed, "never mind."

I slid my t-shirt on and turned my back towards them again. I already saw Lucas standing there. He glared at the girls.

"What'd you just tell Foster?" He snapped. I nervously turned back around. The girls laughed at him.

"You heard us," Connie responded. Lucas let out a laugh of pity. He pointed to my stomach.

"You can see her damn ribs," he said with a low tone. When he talked like that, it was scary. I bit my lip, "she's barley ate for days because of you two, possibly even weeks. How can you live with yourselves?"

I looked down at my stomach. Lucas was right. You could see my ribs. I heard my stomach growl. I've barley at anything either. These girls always made fun of my weight.

The two stayed silent.

"Exactly," Lucas retorted, "I haven't seen this girls real smile in awhile. You know what she says about you two?" they kept quiet still, "she praises you. She's always saying how great you guys are at hockey, she says nothing but good things about you both. I could say many things that you guys wouldn't like very much. Everyone back home loves her. She's one of the most popular kids in school. She's so caring it's unreal. You'll never find someone as amazing as her."

It was an awkward silence for awhile until Julie spoke up.

"Get out of here, losers," she rudely said. I sighed. I looked over at Lucas who was about to go off on the two girls again. When he looked at me, he could tell I just wanted to leave. He rolled his eyes at the girls, sticking up his middle finger and walking away with me.

"I thought you said you guys were good," he told me once we got inside. I shrugged.

"I didn't want you to worry," I responded.

"Why?" He asked. We both stopped in the lobby.

"Because I knew you'd say something to them like that, and no matter what, they're not going to listen. They're just going to do even more things. I bet you that when we get back to my dorm, something is going to be there," I said. I let out the breath I was holding in, "look, I'm sorry Lucas. I didn't mean for any of this to happen. But I just didn't want you to worry about me. I'll be fine."

"No you won't!" He barked. He threw his hands in the air, "you're basically starving yourself, and you're working your body way to hard. It's not healthy. Look, you can't listen to what those girls say, okay? You can't. You can't destroy yourself like that. Back in Wisconsin, if someone was rude to you, you stood up for yourself."

"It was one person in Point Place," I replied, "Freddie Edwards. It was easier to stand up to him because he was only in Point Place for a week. No one else is rude to me there."

Lucas shook his head. He looked down.

"That's because you're an amazing person. I will never understand how you can be so nice to people who shouldn't have your respect, or to people who are making your life miserable."

I shrugged my shoulders, "being treated how they treat me is unbearable, but I don't want them to go through the same thing. It hurts. I don't want anyone to go through what I'm going through right now."

Lucas sighed again. He walked over to me and out his arm around my shoulders.

"Let's go inspect your dorm."

𝐟𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 | adam banksWhere stories live. Discover now