Chapter 9: A wonderful wedding

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*A Week later*

We've only been back home in Ohio for a week and Eddie has wasted no time in getting the wedding license and the wedding is today!

Guests have been arriving since the day after Eddie and Maddie announced the wedding date. The first to arrive was Madeleine Astor. The next was Marian and Jack Thayer. Then after them was Mrs. Widener. The last guest to arrived yesterday and that was Molly Brown.

Eddie and Maddie's wedding is quite far from a traditional wedding starting off with the fact that unlike most wedding's the Bride and Groom saw each other yesterday and last night. Added to that Maddie is walking partway down the aisle by herself. And when she gets halfway down Éddie will leave the altar to go and walk her the rest the way. Eddie doesn't have a best man and Maddie has no maid of honor.

I am proud to say that I am the ring bearer as was decided before we left on our winter holiday. Eddie is currently trying to show Will how to do a tie.

"Well done Will! You did it!" Eddie exclaimed. Will looked proud of himself. I was proud of him to. "Now you need to tie your shoelaces." Eddie said while showing him how to do it. After a few tries he did it!

"Great job Will you did it!"

I glanced at the clock. It was time.

"Now Joe wait until just before me and Maddie start our vows."

"I know Eddie." I said puffing my chest out slightly.

"Good lad." Eddie said as he began to walk out of the room.


The wedding is going smoothly Eddie and Maddie look so in love and so happy which one could say is ironic considering what we've all went through in the last three weeks. I delivered the rings on a nice cushion.

"Madeline McCoy. I fell in love with you from the moment I saw you. I loved everything about you. From your hair to your infectious laugh. The day I proposed I was so nervous that you'd say no and when you accepted my proposal I was over the moon. I knew I was willing to move the sun and moon if I could for you. After everything we've been through in the past three weeks my feelings for you have increased even greater than you could imagine. I will stand by you no matter what and I promise you that you will never walk alone again. I love you."

And with that said Eddie slid the wedding ring onto Maddie's left index finger.

"Edward Mason, I knew that you were the man for me from the moment I met you at that ball and you danced with me all night. When we began courting I was so happy. I felt safe with you and that if I was in your arms nothing and no one could hurt. I feel like nothing and no one could break this bond we have. Not even the sinking of Titanic could part us. I love you and will always love you." Maddie replied

"I now pronounce you as Man and Wife. Edward you may kiss your bride." the preacher declared

They kissed. All the guests including myself were crying tears of Joy and happiness. I thought to myself.

Even the midst of all this tragedy and mourning there can be a tiny glint of happiness. That even in the saddest time there is a light at the end of the tunnel. And that is something I will believe my entire life.

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