Chapter 7: Back on Dry Land

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It's now 18th April. Eddie still hasn't told me what happened to Mr. Andrews. But then again I haven't really asked since the night of the day we were rescued. I've not had much time to explore. If we're being honest I haven't particularly felt like doing some exploration. It feels weird to be an Uncle at 9. the funniest part is one of the boys that I now know Eddie and Mr. Andrews rescued is William Browne. One of the friends I made on Titanic.  The other boy is William's little brother Richard.  But today I wanted to know for sure what had happened to Mr Andrews. I wasn't so dumb to realize that there was no other rescue ship that had come. I knew that the Carpathia was the only ship. I also wanted to know what happened to my other friends that I had made on the Titanic.

"Eddie I know you probably won't want to talk about it but I need to know. Where's Mr. Andrews?  I've been waiting to see him for ages. "

"Oh Joe I knew you'd ask sooner rather than later. Mr. Andrews, he....he...he didn't make it. He went down with the Titanic. He must've blamed himself with the fact that the ship was sinking. There was nothing I could do."

I was shocked but at the same time I kind of expected that to be the answer.

"What has happened to John Matthews and Jack Campbell?"

"They're....." Eddie couldn't finish his sentence. I may only be 9 but I knew what he was trying to say. I knew that they hadn't made it. Maddie who had been talking to a crew member came back over to us.

"Guys, the crew member I was talking to says we should be back in New York in a few hours most likely 23:00 tonight. Isn't that exciting?"

"I guess so." Eddie replied. However, I just nodded. Eddie wrapped me and William in a hug and Maddie was hugging Richard. We just sat there as a family not talking or drinking or anything. We were just sitting enjoying each others company and being grateful that all of us -in the case of my family- were alive

But something felt like it was missing. At first I thought it was the fact Mr. Andrews didn't make it. It seems a little strange to me that in only the 4 days I knew him Mr. Andrews had in a way become a somewhat surrogate father to me. But as horrible as it sounds it couldn't be that for the simple fact I had gone three days with this feeling and I only found out about Thomas Andrews' fate this evening. Whatever it was I couldn't figure it out in time I may but I knew tonight was not that night. I hoped not to linger in my thoughts too much longer. I yawned.

"Joe, are you tired?" asked Maddie

"Yes but I daren't sleep. For when I sleep I dream that I'm back on Titanic during her day. And if I'm not dreaming I'm back on her. I'm dreaming about all those who didn't make it. About how they felt. What their thoughts might've been. And what their last words may have been." Instead of offering me advice Maddie swapped with Eddie and pulled me in for a hug while Eddie hugged William and Richard.

"I want Joey." came Richard's voice. "I want huggie off Joey." He repeated.

"Okay then." I sigh. Undoing Maddie's hug and picking up Richard. Richard snuggled into me falling asleep. I don't know how long we stayed like that but it was awhile. I finally embraced sleep. Much to my deep down annoyance.

*Three hours later*

"Eddie! Joe! Maddie! Richard" I awoke at the sound of William's semi excited voice.

"Whatever is the matter William?" asked Maddie

"Look." He said with a vast amount of enthusiasm that I would think was absolutely impossible to have considering what has just happened . But nevertheless we looked to where he was pointing and I could see something I never thought I would be so excited to see after an ocean voyage. And that was the Statue of Liberty.

"We're Back home." I whispered

"Actually we're not home yet. Back in America yes but we're not quite on American soil yet." Eddie contradicted me.

"You knew what he meant Eddie honey." Maddie replied for me.

"That I did. That I did." Eddie sighed knowing to never argue with Maddie. I helped Eddie pick up the little stuff we had with us that survived the whole disaster including the model of the Titanic that Mr. Andrews had gave me for my birthday. -Ironic I know but oh well-

*After disembarking Carpathia*

"We're back on American soil. Back on Dry land." I sighed in relief.

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