Chapter 1 - After Skullrock Cave

Start from the beginning

Trilby had confirmed that Winter's mind was empty of thoughts as though her brain ceased to produce them. Shadow had noticed that Winter stuck to dark, empty corners.

All of them were in pain, but Winter was in excruciating pain. Nothing could compare hers. Her eyes had turned dead and hollow. She never left her cabin unless it was something to do with the an excited reaction on Captain's part.

It was Jodie, Hailey Hydra and Destiel who steered the ship now - steered it to land. They took turns, dividing the work into shifts. The Wattpadian Sea was calm, smooth and quiet. Yet, something was brewing in its midst unknow to all...

Imagination Queen surrendered. She had had enough of this! She was tired of watching everyone be unhappy and hide their emotions in a cocoon. Jumping off her hammock, she landed on lightly on her feet. Eyes shifted and fixed on her, but she ignored them.

First stop was the kitchen where Miss Disneymaniac was  baking chocolate-coated vanilla cupcakes. Miss Disneymaniac was humming Do You Wanna Build A Snowman when Imagination entered.

"Hey, Imagination! Want some cupcakes? They're nice and warm," said Miss Disneymaniac brightly. She pointed a wooden spatula to three trays of cupcakes  lying on the counter. 

Silently, Imagination grabbed a tray. "Grab the other two and come with me," she said curtly.

Miss Disneymaniac's smile wavered for a second, then returned. "Where to?"

"Just follow me."

Miss Disneymaniac expertly balanced the trays on the palms of her hands and followed Imagination as she disappeared out. She led her to the Sleep Cabin and set down the tray on a barrel. The sweet aroma of the cupcakes attracted everyone's attention. They sat up to see where the smell was coming from.

Crystal Grace seemed to understand what Imagination was trying to do. "Everyone down! Now!" she shouted loud and clear, for all to hear.

As confused as they were, surprisingly, everyone descended without a question. They surrounded the barrels on which the trays of cupcakes sat and looked from Crystal Grace to Imagination Queen to Miss Disneymaniac.

Only Trilby hadn't moved. She sat on the wooden floor in a corner, watching them.

"How do you know it'll work?" Trilby asked. Everyone turned sharply to her. What was going on?

"There is a probability it will work," Imagination stated with determination.

"There is also a probability it won't."

Anime pulled out a pocket notebook and began scratching down something. She seemed to be in deep thought. Then, her face cleared.

"Here," she finally said, turning her calculations for all to see. "Probability of the plan to work is 0.6. That's a pretty good chance."

Shadow Walker slipped out from the shadows. "Wait....I get it now!"

Detective Arrowskull nodded. "This is a "Cheering Us Up" party, isn't it?"

Imagination Queen smirked. "You guessed right."

"Calculations wrong then. Not gonna work," AP declared, folding his arms on his chest.

"Actually," Violet smirked. "It will. Believe me, I know what's going on."

Luna Tardis laughed in mock belief. "How can we 'cheer up' when Captain's got amnesia and Winter's locked herself? There, I said it!"

There was silence. Indeed, she had uttered the words everyone avoided. They just didn't want to confirm it by saying it out loud. But now that Luna did speak the Unmentionable, it was suddenly allowed to do so. Everyone broke suddenly broke into puzzled chatter. Some even started to cry.

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