The first meet-up

Start from the beginning

Liv ate the small biscuit she got with her tea. "I work at the local cafe and study marketing, as you may know."

"Hmm-hmm," he hummed and nodded. "You like it?"

"Yeah, well, I like it - the study, but it's more I have to do something to get a diploma for the future," she shrugged. "And the cafe, I like to make coffee and get a smile afterwards."

The corners of the mouth of Lando curled up when he saw his smile. "The coffee was delicious."

"How about you? A driver for McLaren?"

"Yeah, Formula 1 driver. Do you watch it?"

Liv looked down at the tea. "No, I don't. My family does, though." She shared a look with him and saw the disappointed flickering in his eyes. "But I'm always in to learn and watch new things. You race with Hamilton, Vettel and Kimi, right?" She slowly pronounced their names, not knowing if she said it right. He nodded. "And of course, Carlos."

Lando smirked and ran his hand through his hair. "Yup. So you didn't know me at first?"

"Nope. I hear your name sometimes when there is a race, but I mostly work when you race. The last race was here, right? In the UK? How did it go?"

He liked her already. Even though she told she didn't watch the races, she tried to pay interested in him.

"I got P11 and Carlos P6, which is better, of course. P11 means no points, we had better races," he shared. She nodded. "There is no time to be sad, we have to focus on the next race in Germany."

"I'm sure everything will get better. According to trusted sources you are an upcoming champion, or rookie, or whatever they call it."

As soon when Lando saw the cheeky but also satisfied smile on Liv's face, he looked away and smiled shyly. One thing he could already tell about her was she tried to be interested in him. Even though she had no idea about what she was talking about, she tried to do it. Lando bounced with his leg and bit on the inside of his cheek.

"A chocolate cake?" An unfamiliar voice said. "To share?"

Both Lando and Liv looked at the elderly woman with a plate with chocolate cake in her hand. She was the type of person who could own this place or worked here because she loved working in restaurants too much to retire.

"Yes, just..." Lando let out a soft sigh, he had no idea how to act anymore. "The middle is fine." I kissed her a few weeks ago, that is something people do after they start dating. I'm one step ahead, but also one step behind. Why do I have to be so shy?

The woman placed the plate between them on the table and walked away.

Lando ran his hand through his curls. "But what's up with your name? Di Costa...are you Italian?" He tried to talk around it. His green eyes found her blue eyes, he noticed a small mole under her right eye.

Liv licked her lips and let out a small laugh. "No. I'm not. I'm half Italian, but I can't speak or understand it." He nodded. "I made a few attempts to learn the language, but after a few days, I'm already done with it. I think the name just sounds cool."

A laugh rolled over his lips, which made her laugh as well. "I'm both British and Belgian, but just with an English last name."

She nodded. "It's cool as well. What part of Belgium? Flanders or Wallonia?"

His eyebrows raised, not many people in his surrounding knew about the two parts of Belgium. "Flanders."

"Cool. Can you speak Dutch as well?" She was the first the grab the silver fork to eat a piece of cake. The chocolate melted on her tongue, it was soft and light. The flavours came alive, and it was tastable that it was made with love. It could be a creation of Masterchef.

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