Chapter 15

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Yo so happy turkey day if you're an American. I have ideas finally ^^;; so here is another chapter and please enjoy .
Remember I don't don't own you or Jeff...yet...
Anyway onward (つД')ノ
You hear a crash in your room. You groan in frustration because your tired of Jeff breaking in through your room window when that isn't needed anymore. You were about to tell at him when you felt a clawed hand cover your mouth. Your eyes widened in fear when you realized who was /actually/ in the room.
"Hehehehe looky here... now you don't have anyone to protect you.... what are you going to do?" He asked sadistically as he climbed over you to get a better hold on you.
You started to frantically thrash around to try and get him off you. He just started to laugh.
"Foolish girl you can't win" he grinned a toothy smile.
You bite his hand and replied," I will because I'm not going to die here," and you kneed him in his 'no no' area. He wailed in pain and let go of you momentarily. You used this chance to push him off you. You got up and started running down the stairs.
He started chasing after you and wasn't to far behind. You get into the living room and accidentally tripped over the coffee table (a/n: remember it's dark so you can't see). You were about to get up when you felt his clawed hand digging into your ankles. You started screaming in pain. Blood began to seep through your pants.
"GEHAHHAHAHAAHAHAHAA look how defenseless you are right now. It's such a beautiful sight, indeed." he cackled. You took your other leg and kicked him in his leg as hard as you could. It didn't so much do to your odd angle so you just kept kicking and thrashing.
"LET ME GO!!!" You screamed.
"Your efforts are useless"he smiled,"now just be a good little girl and let me KILL YOU!"
You started twisting but that caused his claws to tear even more into your ankles. You were about to give up hope. But then you heard the back door open and a familiar "what the fuck!" coming from behind laughing Jack. It was Jeff. You nearly cried in happiness. You were going to be saved. You weren't going to die.
"Oh Jeff long time no see," L.J said casually as if he wasn't about to kill you,"how are you?"
"Yeah, I'm okay," Jeff replied back as he began to walk toward you both," I would be even better if you let her go" he pointed at you.
"Oh no I can't do that she is my kill you can't have her." he said menacingly.
"You cannot kill her,"he growled.
"And why not," asked LJ annoyed.
"Because she is mine. You can't touch and or kill what is mine." he grounded out.
"Oh is she now?" He grinned,"well I guess we just have to settle this"
Jeff maniacally grinned back and pulled out his knife,"I guess we are."
And the fight had begun.
Well that was chapter 15 I hope you mortals enjoyed it. And I hope you all have a lovely day enjoy it.
Please comment, vote, or whatever...
Remember you're beautiful so smile

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