Chapter 7

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I am extremely sorry for the late update and thank you all for reading!
I don't own you or Jeff. Onward to the story!
You felt someone poke you side gently. You just grumbled and rolled away from the offending finger poking you. The poking didn't stop in fact with each poke had gotten progressively rougher than the last one. Eventually you had enough. You sprang up from under your covers yelling a very angry,"WHAT?!?"
"How did it go sleepy head" you heard Jeff ask.
"Oh it is just you. It was okay," you sighed in response.
"Oh? Did you have to pull the mental break down method" he chuckled playfully.
"No. I actually wasn't asked any uncomfortable questions, thankfully. So what do you want?" you replied casually. You sort of got used to the fact that a psychopathic murder likes to climb into your bedroom everyday and have a conversation with you. You eventually started to ask yourself how did your life come to Jeff visiting you.
"Earth to _______ any one in there?" Jeff joked waving a hand in front of your face. You snapped out of your daze.
"What?" You say dumbly looking confused. "I'm sorry I was thinking about something. So what were you saying again?"
"I was saying how I just wanted to make sure you didn't say anything about me to the police. Because if you did I might just have to 'punish' you" he responds with a devious look in his eyes.
" I don't think that is completely necessary" you gulped, I mean I didn't tell them but if I did why would you have to 'punish' me" you say sarcastically while putting air quotes around the word 'punish'.
"Well firstly, it would make my job harder than it already is." he said while taking a step closer to you.
"Really now?" You responded nervously as he kept slowly walking towards you.
"Yeah. Then also I wouldn't be able to see your pretty face ______" he whispered with his face close to yours and your chin in his hand. You both started to lean in. Your lips met in a spark inducing kiss. You wrapped your arms around his neck and he pushed you back slightly so you were laying on your back with him hovering over you.
After what felt like an eternity to you but was more like a few minutes, you pulled away from his lips. You smiled up at him as he gently placed his forehead against yours.
"I really like you," you mumbled to him.
"Well that is good because I really like you to" he whispered back to you. he rolled over so that he was no longer hovering over top of you but cuddling with you.
You sigh in content and snuggle back into him.
When suddenly the door opens.....

Not really because I'm about to make the other chapter but anyway I hope you forgive me for the long wait and I hoped you enjoyed it!
Please comment and remember you're beautiful so smile ☆〜(ゝ。∂)(I wanted to try a new face ^~^)

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