Chapter 4

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Y/N'S Pov:

After lunch I drove Ariana back home, she insisted I stay but I had to return to work. Unfortunately, just because my dad is my boss doesn't mean I'm any different to his other employees, I had to work for this job. Even though I would've liked a space, but I rather work for things than get it for free.

"I'll see you soon?" She asks resting against the front door.
"Yeah." I nod and she hugs me goodbye.


Ariana's Pov:

Spending time with Y/N was the best, you forget about all of your problems and time. She's a great listener and funny so nothing can ever go wrong.

I log onto Instagram on my phone and take a quick black and white picture of the flowers she bought me. I typed, 'miss you already🤍' and added it to my story. My fans will probably suspect something and jump into conclusions, which they always do and it's funny watching them go crazy on Twitter. They're amazing.

I got a few messages from the groupchat with me and my friends spamming me with eager messages, asking who I was talking about on my story.

Aaron: ok ariana, who were you talking about on your story??

Vic: girl you better tell us asappp

Court: do we know him?? and is he hot??

Me: you all know her..

Fredo: WHO??? i'm so happy for you🥺

Bri: omfg bitch, me too!!

Scott: i wanna meet her, she seems like a gentlewomen💀

Vic: is it Y/N?? yall have been getting very close lately 👀

Court: wait, Y/N as in thr one you met at my party?

Njomza: what other Y/N do you know court

Me: i gotta go byeee🤍

I shut my phone and instantly got messages from the groupchat again, demanding I come back and spill everything. I laughed and typed, 'i'll explain everything later' and they left it alone, well for now.

I stared at Courtney's message for a bit, I don't think she'd like the fact that I've kinda fallen for her bestfriend. Her bestfriend likes her other bestfriend who likes her back. Confusing, I know. She didn't text back the groupchat so I decided to leave it for a bit. I mean, I didn't even say if it was Y/N or not, so she couldn't even be mad at me.


(Three days later)

Y/N'S Pov:

"Hey." I answered Ariana's facetime request.
"Hey, where are you?" She asked, her smile lit up my screen.
"Out for a run." I replied looking around the neighbourhood. I looked back at the screen and say her lying down with her head on her pillow.
"At 8pm?" She asked confused.
"Yeah, just wanted to clear my head that's all." I chuckled walking back home.
"Is everything okay?" She asked and I smiled at how she cared about me. A few days ago, Courtney started to act distant and I have no idea why.
"Yeah, it's just that Courtney's been acting a bit different lately." I began and she shiffted on her bed.
"What do you mean?" She asked paying full attention.
"Just distant and I don't know why, I hope she's okay. Has she told you anything?" I asked her hopefully, I'll just talk to Courtney later. Ariana stayed quiet for a bit and stared of to the side of the phone.
"Ari?" I ask and she blushed at the nickname I called her.
"No I don't." She finally replied, I wasn't too sure about her answer but I let it slide anyway. I just nodded and she began speaking again.
"Well I won't keep you any longer from your run, just wanted to ask if you wanted to come over."
"Sure. Just give me about 45 minutes, I just arrived home anyway." I said unlocking my front door.
"Oh okay, I'll see you later." She smiled and blew me a kiss which made me blush but I covered it with a chuckle
"Bye Ari."
"Bye Y/NN." She replied and hung up.

Exactly 45 minutes later, I arrived at her house. I doesn't take long for me to come here since we live about 10 minutes away from eachother. I'm surprised I've never seen her while out for a run.

I knocked on the door and heard Toulouse and Myron barking on the other side. Soon after, the door swung open revealing Ariana in an oversized hoodie. She looked beautiful like always.

"Hey." She said and pulled me into a hug.
"Hey, how you doing?" I asked and she moved aside for me to walk in.
"Great, what about you?" I kneeled down to play with Toulouse and Myron who were jumping around my legs.
"I'm alright, got you some of your favourite snacks." I said and held out a plastic bag.
"Oh Y/N, thank you but how did you know?" She asked, smiled and looked in the bag.
"I remember you mention you liked these so I bought some I guess." I nervously chuckled.
"Come." She said and dragged me into the kitchen where she emptied out the bag, placing the snacks in the cabinets.
"Wanna watch a movie?" She asked and I nodded.
"Anything but Harry Potter." I laughed and she shook her head while chuckling.
"Fine, you pick. Want some popcorn?"
"Yeah sure." I replied and walked out of the kitchen.
"Um the TV is broken in here, we could watch it in my room if you'd like?" Ariana asked from behind me while holding onto a bowl of popcorn.
"Yeah let's go." I replied and she began walking up the stairs. She swayed her hips side to side and I couldn't help but look. I quickly looked away, shaking away the thoughts that entered my mind.
"Hurry up." Ariana chuckled and turned her head from the side to face me, she knew what she was doing.

She sat down on her bed and patted the space beside her for me.
"Let's watch a classic." I said and she agreed. We chose '13 Going On 30' since it's one of our favourites.

Half way through the movie, I felt Ariana move closer to me and put her head on my shoulder. I looked down at her to smile but she was already looking at me. I smiled and she returned one. I couldn't help but look at her lips, they looked so plump and soft. While doing so, I noticed she was already looking at mine. She looked into my eyes and I slowly began leaning in.

I placed my lips on hers, I could tell she was shocked for a moment but she soon gave in. We both moved in sync, slow at first but quickly picked up the pace. She straddled my lap, pushing me against the headboard and put her hand on my cheek while caressing it slowly. We made out for a while before pulling away breathlessly for some air. I looked at her and she was smiling making me crack one back.
"Sorry." She mumbled and played with my hands.
"No, don't be. I enjoyed that." I chuckled and pulled her in for another kiss.

The kiss got heated pretty quickly and I pushed her onto her back without breaking the kiss and moved down to her neck.
"Y/N..." She moaned, I could get used to hearing that. I moved back to her lips and she pulled me closer from my neck.

"I want this, Y/N." She said breathlessly and I nodded, pulling her hoodie off her toned body.

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