Sly man

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changkyuns pov
(sorta) Mature content

Day Thursday

"Jooheon your so funny" I pretended to laugh, but he didn't buy it.

"Your afraid? Or concerned cause I have a thing for guys?"

"Or maybe..You like me?" He leaned in, I could feel his hot breath on my skin.

"Don't think too highly of yourself-" My lips stopped moving, it took me a few seconds to process what was happening..he was kissing me. Forcing his mouth on mine, rampaging my delicate lips. Why am I letting this happen? Do something Changkyun!
Melting, I was being beamed into lava. I didn't want this, but what can I do? He's too strong, even while he's kissing me I'm being pushed back. I could feel my stomach churn with unease. I have to admit, he tasted nice, like honey. He was almost delicious.

"Have to go baby" He broke away from my mouth, voice was a low whisper. Oh fuck, does he think I like him?

"I don't like you Jooheon, you shouldn't have done that" I told him, he was leaping off onto the roof.

"You sure about that? I think your heart said differently" Last thing I want is to break a heart, if fuckboys even have one?

"What makes you say that?"

"Don't take this badly, but your just..weak?" I didn't want to called by someone else weak, because I am..I only wanted to hear it from myself. And if I didn't it hurt twice as bad.

"I'm weak? That was a dick statement" I said quietly trying to hide away my feelings.

"I'm being honest"

"Honesty isn't the best policy" He giggled, throwing over his backpack.

"Hey changkyun, you forgot one thing" He jiggled my keys in his grip, my body went into fear, "See you later babe"

"Ya give them back!" I chased him at full speed, but he ran off down into the building. Fucker!

"I don't like you!" I yelled at the stairwell, his footsteps a pounding echo.


I hadn't seen Jooheon since first period, he had disappeared off the face of earth. Was he teasing me? Not letting me see him till after school? He had my keys! I asked the guys at gym if they've seen him, and all they said was "Probably skipping to a club" What does that mean?! I need my keys, if I can when I see him I'll snatch them away and go home. Glancing at the clock, it was almost time to go. Packing my things into my backpack, I silently slipped it over me.

"Let go of me!"  A girl screamed from the class, I quickly turned my head to the chaos. A guy had his hand on a girl shoulder, she was in terror.

"Let go!" The teacher wasn't in class, students just watched intensely, some even taking a video. Why aren't they doing anything?! Do I really have too? Can't people help her?!

"Staring at this Changkyun? Aren't you going to come and fight me?" The guy teased, my fists tightened.

"Please stop" She cried quietly, the guy hushed her up with his finger.

Bad guy 《 Jooheon × Changkyun 》Where stories live. Discover now