Jahking Guillory ~ Just Friends ~

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I'm chilling at home with all of my friends.

We deceived to have a lil sleep over or whatever you wanna call it cause we're on a 2 week break from school.

It's me, my friends Macy, Raegan, John, Dono, and last but not least my bestfriend. Jahking.

Jahking came back into the room with all the snacks for us.

"Aiight I got the pizza and some plates. Drinks. And a bunch of random ass candy for the movie."

We all headed into my backyard where we would be camping out for the night.

Everything was set up on a table so we all went go fix our food before watching a classic.

Poetic Justice.

This was my favorite movie.

Once we all got setting into the back yard, we were all bundled up the outside couches.

They were east to move so the boys moved them out here with my parents permission of course.

Macy and Dono were making out the whole time with their horny asses.

John was sitting on the ground in front of Reagan while her legs dangled around him as they were both focused on the move.

And Jahking and I were all cuddled up watching the movie.

He had his arm wrapped tightly around me.

I don't think he noticed cause it was a habit, but he was gently rubbing my butt while looking at the movie.

He noticed me staring at him and said "What's wrong?"

That voice.

I shook my head to assure him that nothing was wrong.

He pecked my neck and said "watch the movie baby."

He always called me this. And always kissed my neck.

People thought it was weird when we told them that we were just friends when they would ask if we were together.

"Nahh y'all together" they'd always say.

But we were truly just really close friends.

10 minutes later

Now everyone was silently watching the movie. No one was making out anymore.

We were all in tune to the movie finally.

I was so awestruck and jut staring at Tupac the whole time of noticing when Jahking started kissing my cheek, down my jawline, and to the sweet spot on my neck.
I leaned my head to the other side a little causing his lips to detach from my neck.

"Mm Jah come on let's watch the movie."

"we already seen it"

He pulled me onto his lap and continued kissing on my neck while rubbing and occasionally squeezing my thigh.

I lowly sighed from the pleasure as he sucked onto my sweet spot harder than usual.

"Jahkiiiiing" I lowly murmured.

"Hmm"  he vibrated onto my neck.

I couldn't even form words as my arms were wrapped around his neck and he squeezed my ass and thigh.

We were broken from our trance when Dono loudly cleared his throat.

Jahking smacked his lips and said "man don't try to do that when you and Mason was just skinning each other down."

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