Chapter Thirty-Five: Ruari

Start from the beginning

Ciaran wanted to argue, I could tell, but he didn't say anything as he looked back at me. From the expression on his handsome face he looked like he's having trouble keeping Keiron at bay.

"It's just a run," I said standing in front of him. I placed a palm on the center of his chest, feeling the frantic beating of his heart and willing it to calm down. "We'll be back in two hours. And we won't go far. You can link with me anytime you want."

He took my hand and placed it on his cheek, closed his eyes before turning his head and planting a kiss on my palm.

"Ciaran," I shivered resting my head on his shoulder. "You know I have to do this. You understand right?"

He breathed in and out harshly before he sighing in defeat.

"Fine." He said. "But if you're not back within two hours I'm coming after you."

I chuckled and lightly touched my lips to his. "Yes, alpha." I teased.

"I'm serious Ruari." He growled grabbing my face closer to his. "This is a compromise. I'm agreeing to leave you alone with your brother for two hours if you promise not to go far and tell me where you are at all times."

"I promise." I answered solemnly.

Ciaran gave me a lingering kiss before letting me go.

"Oh, babe..." I stopped by the doorway and turned back to Ciaran who raised an arrogant brow at me in question. "Try not to kill each other while I'm gone. They're still our guests you know and it would be hard to explain to everyone why we're short one beta." Then I turned to address Lorcan. "You can wipe that stupid look off your face. Regardless of what I said earlier I won't hurt my brother. He'd be safe with me."

Both of them grunted in response and I just laughed on my way out of the pack house. I was in time to intercept Kevan who was on his way back to get me. He growled irritably at me for taking too long to join him outside.

"Excited are we?" I teased as we headed towards the tree line.

The pack warriors who usually accompany me on my run shadowed our movements.

"I'm going alone with my brother." I said. "I already informed Ciaran."

They nodded their assent but kept their eyes trained at us until we entered the forest. I walked behind a tree to remove my clothes before phasing and joining my brother on the clearing.

Our wolf forms, like our human ones, are almost identical. Kevan also has reddish brown fur with black streaks running along his back and tail but he didn't have the white fur that covers my chest and underside.

He eyed me closely. He circled around me once memorizing my scent, and I his, before playfully nipping at my ears and tail. He was jumped up and down, wagging his tail like an overly eager pup.

I nipped back at him and motioned with my head for him to precede me for our run.

We started at a sedate pace, a slow jog, before gaining speed. The forest air felt good and I was surprised that Kevan could easily keep up with me every time I increased our pace a notch just to keep it interesting. I wasn't running at full speed but no one at Moonscape was able to run at the pace I set except for the pack tracker but even he struggles most of the time.

"Oh come on!" Kevan whined through our mind link. "You can go faster than this! Stop being so lazy. Let's run!"

"Are you sure you can keep up?"

"Try me," he dared.

I didn't deign to answer and just shot forward increasing my speed as I zigzag to avoid trees. I howled when I felt him running closely behind me. He was not far behind but he couldn't quite catch up. And every time he manages to shorten the gap between us I go faster just to annoy him. He wouldn't admit it but he's now struggling.

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