two - new friends

Bắt đầu từ đầu

Josiah sighed and looked down at the puppy in his hands which was looking up at him with its tongue hanging out. The young soldier smiled down at the puppy and began walking in the direction of his mother's house.

"My mom is not gonna like that I brought you home, so you better behave."

Upon arriving at his mother's house he noticed the door was open and walked straight in. Noticing that his mother was nowhere in sight Josiah quickly made his way to his room to hide the puppy; however, he did not get very far when he heard his mother's footsteps and voice behind him. Slowly turning around Josiah was met with his mother's face whose expression changed to confusion at the sight of the puppy in his hands.

"Good morning mama."

"What are you doing with a puppy? Where did you get it?" His mother questioned not taking his eyes off the puppy.

"I uh was down at the beach and he was alone," Josiah explained, "I didn't see its owners, so I just brought it here. I couldn't leave it alone."

Josiah watched his mother nod slowly and he held his breath, waiting for her to explode and yell at him for bringing a stray to her house. But that never happened. He watched his mother simply nod, one last time, and made her way back to the kitchen.

Bringing the puppy into his room Josiah began to think what he would do with it. Placing it on the ground the puppy began inspecting every corner of his room. Josiah stared at the puppy as it began to sniff around under his bed before crawling under.

"No," Josiah knelt to pull the puppy out, "Get out of there."

The puppy came out from under the bed and stared up at Josiah while tilting its head from side to side in confusion. Josiah chuckled and almost awed at the cuteness.

"Alright so we need a name," Josiah picked the puppy out, "But first we need to see if you're a male or a female

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

"Alright so we need a name," Josiah picked the puppy out, "But first we need to see if you're a male or a female." Holding the puppy above his head to see its belly Josiah was able to see that the puppy was, in fact, a male.

"Hmm," Josiah continued to stare at the puppy, thinking of the perfect name, "I think I'm going to name you Ollie."

By 3:00 pm Josiah managed to buy dog food, snacks, food and water bowls, and a bed for Ollie and had also begun to train him. To his surprise, his mother was perfectly okay with Ollie staying and instantly fell in love with the pup as well. Josiah was in the middle of teaching Ollie how to high five when he saw Paul approaching the house.

"Hey," Josiah stood up from his crouching position in front of Ollie and faced Paul.

"Who's this?" Paul asked as Ollie approached him crouching down to pet the small pup who was cautiously approaching Paul and smelling him.

"This is Ollie," Josiah pointed down at the German Shepherd, "I found him down at the beach." Paul smiled down at the pup and began rubbing his belly which Ollie seemed to enjoy as he laid down on his back and stuck out his tongue.

Salute {Leah Clearwater}⁴Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ