The Dark Wish, Part I

Começar do início

"Yeah," Nick grinned. "Except for all the fighting."

"Eh," Xander murmured.

"There's got to be an easier way to defeat evil," said Nick.

"Maybe we can eat our way to victory," Chip suggested. He twisted in his seat. "Got any pizza, Udonna?" he asked the white sorceress.

Udonna looked up from her potion-making. "You can go to town for that," she said.

Chip scoffed. "Why? There's an easier way," he snapped open his Morpher and pointed it at the table where three large pepperoni pizzas appeared.

"There's a time and place for magic, Rangers," Udonna scolded.

Kali tugged her earbuds out for a second time and reached across the table, pinching a slice of Nick's pizza.

"Hey!" Nick exclaimed, glaring at her as she scoffed it in one and reached for another. "Would you stop that? Use your magic to get your own!"

"That takes effort," said Kali, reaching for a third slice. She whined as Nick slapped her hand away, causing her to drop the slice onto the table.

Nick looked from his friend to the pizza slice and back again. "You could've at least dropped it onto a plate," he said.

"If you aren't going to eat it, I will," said Kali, snatching the slice and stuffing it into her mouth.

Nick narrowed his eyes at her while Xander and Chip laughed.

From the next room, Fireheart roared.

"Did you feed him today?" Kali asked Xander.

Mid-way through eating a pizza slice, Xander paused and shook his head. "I thought it was your turn?" he asked.

"I did it last night," Kali protested. "Nick had breakfast duty, and you had lunch."

"Oops," Xander said.

Kali rolled her eyes. "I'm surprised he managed to grow at all given your lack of responsibility," she scolded.

"Alright, alright, don't get your wand in a knot," said Xander, holding up his hands. He grabbed the last pizza and threw it at the door leading to Fireheart's cave.

There was a loud belch and the four rangers dissolved into laughter. Their laughter only grew as Claire stepped out of the room covered in pepperoni.

"How about a little heads up next time, huh, guys?" Claire asked.

Kali bit her lip and covered her mouth with her hand as she apologised. "Sorry, Claire, we didn't realise you were in there," she said. "Are you okay?"

Peeling a pepperoni slice from her head, Claire ate it and nodded, happily before resuming her dusting.

"Hey, Claire, use your magic," said Nick, fighting off Kali's hand as she reached for another slice of his pizza. "It's way faster - would you knock it off!" he said, pulling the last remaining slices away.

Kali gaped at him. "Don't be mean," she said. "We were taught to share, now gimme."

"When was the last time you shared a pizza with me?" Nick asked. "Or any food, for that matter."

"That's different," said Kali.


"Because my food is my food," said Kali. "But your food is also my food."

Nick scowled. "How is that fair?" he asked.

"I don't know. But it is what it is," said Kali, snatching another slice. She laughed and leaned out of Nick's reach as he stretched over her, trying to reclaim his last slice of pizza.

The Hellhound's ReturnOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora