Chapter 3

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Carmen's POV

By the time we made it back to the house, Lilly was asleep in the car all slumped over. I really can't wait to get her car seat in the car tomorrow. Sam opened my door and I got Lilly out while he brought stuff in. "Hey pumpkin, looks like someone had an accident. Can mommy get her girl cleaned up?" Mommy, wow that felt good to say. Lilly shook her head at me and just laid back on my shoulder. She was an exhausted, poor baby. She probably hadn't been out like this in a long time. "Babe, I'm going to take Lilly up to our bathroom and give her a bath, can you grab a diaper and bring it up to me when you get done?" "Yea babe of course. Go get her cleaned up." I took a sleeping Lilly up to our room. I laid out a towel on our bed and laid her down on it. She looked like an angel lying there sleeping. I walked into our bathroom and started the tub. She was so sleepy I didn't bother putting bubbles or anything in this time. I walked over to where lilly was sleeping at on the bed and started to undress her. "Hey baby, mommy's going to take your icky clothes off and get you a nice warm bath." She was starting to wake up a little bit but still looked like she hadn't slept in months. "Mommy, you take baf wif me?" "If that's what my baby girl wants, then sure mommy will take a bath with you. Lily looked up at me and smiled. She felt safe with us.

Lilly's POV

I woke up to someone picking me up. Then I remembered it was mommy or daddy, so I calmed down. I hadn't even noticed the wetness between my legs. Then I heard mommy say "Hey pumpkin, looks like someone had an accident. Can mommy get her girl cleaned up?" I shook my head at her. I was too tired to care. I closed my eyes while mommy took me in. I felt us go up some stairs and heard her talk to daddy. I just wanted to be close to mommy. Mommy laid me on something soft and i finally opened my eyes. Mommy told me she was going to give me a bath but i wanted to be with her. So I got up the courage to ask her to take a bath with me. After telling me she would take a bath with me, she finished taking off my icky clothes and carried me to the tub. Mommy put her hair in a messy bun and took off her clothes. She then picked me up and sat behind me in the tub. I just laid there and snuggled up to her. I was starting to slip hard. I know that mommy and daddy will accept my little space but it still scares me. I haven't told anyone before, but I really hope mommy will breastfeed me.

Mommy starts to clean me up as I just lay there on her chest. In my head it's all i can think about is to latch on to her nipple. I mean it is just sitting there. But I don't know how she would respond. Finally I said screw it. If mommy doesn't like me doing it, I'll stop. But you never know until you try it. So I wiggled my way over to mommy and laid my head on her chest. Then I just latched on. Mommy jumped and I unlatched. "Its ok princess, you can suckle. Mommy's not a mad baby girl. We laid there for a while then daddy came in. I hurried up and unlatched again. "Oh no baby is ok! You can go back to being comfy on mommy. Daddy was just coming to talk to mommy and check on his two favorite girls." I looked up at daddy and put up my hands. I had slipped hard after latching on. "Looks like someone wants daddy to get her out of the tub." Mommy said laughing. Daddy picked me up and took me to his room. He had brought in all the stuff from the car. When i looked down on his bed there was a diaper and some jammies that looked super comfy. Before I knew it, daddy popped a nuk in my mouth. I just smiled at him around it while he put a diaper on me and put me in those jammies. They are by the way super duper comfy.

Mommy came out of the bathroom and walked over to me and daddy

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Mommy came out of the bathroom and walked over to me and daddy. "Hey pumpkin, is big lilly in there? Mommy would like to talk to big lilly." I looked at her for a minute working on coming out of my headspace. "Ok mommy, I'm big. Are you mad cuz of what i did in the tub? I'm sorry. I-I-I just " ''Baby calm down. I'm not mad, but we need to talk for a few minutes. I can see you feel comfortable being little with me and daddy, which is 100% ok! We understand how traumatic your past has been and we get that you want to hide in little space. But we also know that we have to take you back to the group home tomorrow. So we don't want you to get hooked on being little just yet." "But mommy I don't want to go back there! Their mean and they pick on me and and and I'll miss you and daddy." "Oh baby we know!! We are going to miss you too. But you have one more week with Allison and then you are home with us as long as tonight goes well." I don't wanna go back to that home! I know it's quick, but I just want to stay here. These people love me.They have shown me more attention in the past 12 hours than I have ever had in my life that I can remember. They accept me for who I am.


I walk in the bathroom and find Carmen in the bath with Lilly then I look at Lily and she is contently suckeling on Carmen's breast. I didn't think that would happen, but I really hope it works out, for both of them. Lilly notices me and unlatches and looks scared. "Baby, I'm not mad! Promise. Daddy thinks it's wonderful that you wanna have suckles with mama." She reaches up for me and I pick her up. Carmen asks me to take her and get her dressed while she grabs a quick shower. So I walk Lilly out to our bed. I lay her down and get her ready for bed. I grab out a new pacifier. "Daddy nuk! Me has?" I popped it in her mouth and watched her smile around it. Little Lilly has come out and she is ADORABLE! "Ok baby, daddy is going to put a nice fresh diaper on my girl ok?" She looked at me and nodded. She hasn't taken her eyes off those purple jammies. I think she's excited to try them. I sprinkle a little bit of powder on her butt and tape up her diaper. I put her feet in the jammies and then her arms. Then I zip them up. This girl is amazing. I can't wait to snuggle her more. I really hate that we have to take her back to that stupid place. But if I have it my way, she won't be there long.

Carmen's POV

"Lilly baby, Come on time for bed." "But mommy I not tired." "I know princess, but you need your beauty rest. Come on if you come lay down with me and daddy, i'll let you have some suckles." That was all it took for her to jump up and run to me. Sam turned off the downstairs lights and made sure our doors were locked. Then he scooped up our sweet princess and carried her up the stairs! Man how i have fallen for this little girl. I really am dreading giving her back tomorrow.

We get upstairs and Sam has our little princess laid out in our bed. She is just laying there looking at her new daddy. He is taking her in as well. I go over and take my shirt off to get comfortable and so Lilly can have her suckles. I climb into the bed and Lilly scoots over to me. "Go ahead pumpkin, they are for you. Soon enough mommy will be making yummy milk for her girl." She quickly drifts off to sleep with my boob still in her mouth.

I look over at Sam who is on his phone again. "Babe, whats up? You've been on that thing a lot sense we got home." "Oh, sorry. I've been emailing asking for favors in order to keep Lilly here. There is no way i want my sweet baby to go back there. You got the same feeling I did about Allison, there's no way you didnt. I talked to John, he looked it up and it says that Greg Samson is our judge. The thing is babe, Greg and I went to school together. So i sent him an email. If i have it my way, Lilly will stay with us. She won't be sent back there." I reached over my sleeping beauty and kissed her daddy on the lips! "That's the best news i've heard in a while babe. I don't want to take her back either. But I also don't want to risk a kidnapping charge either." We both started laughing. He plugged his phone in and snuggled up to Lilly. We both kissed her on the head and went to sleep.

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