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"IS SHE GOING TO WAKE UP?" Jade felt Annie's finger press harshly into her shoulder, "For fucksake you didn't have to poke me so hard!"

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"IS SHE GOING TO WAKE UP?" Jade felt Annie's finger press harshly into her shoulder, "For fucksake you didn't have to poke me so hard!"

"Well I'm sorry! Ruby was the one who said we should knock her out!" Beth rebutted, her voice raised yet shakey.

"I wasn't being serious! You were the one who said she was texting Rio!" Ruby shouted back, Jade's fuzzy eyes adjusting to the three woman.

"Are you three going to shut up?" She spoke up, her fingers weaving through the poorly tied knot they'd created around her wrists.

"Shit, she's a ninja," Annie facepalmed herself, the three ladies watching in awe as Jade rose. She felt around her body, mostly noticing her gun wasn't to be seen; even from her bag that had been rummaged through.

"Hand me back my gun and I'll leave, and pretend you guys didn't just assault me," Jade simply smiled, holding her hand out.

"How- how did you know?" Beth stood back though she obliged, placing the gun in Jade's hand, "W-who are you?"

"I mean, we know who you are but-" Annie began but the two women had quickly told her to shut up. Beth took lead, "How do you know Rio?"

"Well, how do you know Rio?" Jade answered, only debating to tell them the truth for a split second. The truth was never going to be an option.

"We asked you first!" Annie nervously laughed, the ladies patiently waiting with crossed arms. Jade let out a laugh of her own, shrugging afterward, "He's my ex. Can't a girl just text her ex?"

It wasn't a lie, it just wasn't the whole truth.

"You dated gang friend?" Annie scrunched her face up as Ruby hit her shoulder, "Sorry, she doesn't have an off button."

"A-are you Marcus' mother?" Beth mumbled back, causing Jade to tilt her head, "What would you know about Marcus?"

"Who's Marcus?" Ruby and Annie glared at Beth too now, Jade's annoyance hitting a peak. Why would Rio have ever let Beth near his son?

"Rio's son," Jade innocently smiled, "Now, you've ruined about an hour of my life with this situation, I'll be leaving."

"Wait!" Beth shouted as Jade continued walking out the door, "Are you Marcus' mom?"

"Not biologically," Jade replied, "I'm severely over this conversation. Text me the details for the next shoppers meeting or your little operation is so fucked."


"HAVE YOU FOUND ANYTHING?" Agent Turner waltzed into Jade's office the next morning, "We're getting closer arent we?"

"I got into their business," She took a deep breathe, "But I did have to tell them I dated Rio."

"And why was that relevant?" He shook his head with disappointment, Jade growling back, "Came up in conversation. They saw my phone. Those suburban moms took a swing at me."

"Pardon?" Agent Turner furrowed his brows as Jade explained, "They tied me up and attempted to interrogate me."


"More like, asked me a question and I walked myself out," She shrugged, "Annie and Ruby are harmless, Beth looks like she has a psycho switch."

"I need you to get concrete evidence from the next meeting," Agent Turner frowned, "You need to take it. And if you get caught, you'll have to blow your cover."

"Hell no," Jade objected, "I'll get that evidence, but I won't need to fuck up my cover."

"I hope so," He walked out, leaving me her to her thoughts.

you feel like a coffee?

heard my girl
got you all tied up.

your girl?
lmao she couldn't
keep me tied for
more than a minute



my favorite place

"HEY MAMAS," Rio smirked, looking Jade up and down as she sat across from him. He was enjoying the hot meal that was placed in front of him seconds ago, unable to control his devilish smile.

"Why's Beth asking about Marcus?" Jade harshly begun, "She's got no business being around him."

"Just like you've got any business snooping around the suburbs," Rio laughed, "You know, if you were that tripped out for cash I'd chip in."

"If you weren't a criminal, I wouldn't be trying to lock you up," She smiled too, taking a fork and eating some of his food.


"Why'd you call me here?"

"Why'd you come darling?" Rio taunted in her silence, "You seem stressed with this case, you want some help?"

"With my case?" She rolled her eyes, "You-"

"With your stress mamas," He stood up, throwing money on the counter, "You know where I'll be."

"We're never going to happen, again."

Rio threw his arms up, his hand moving to brush the curls from Jade's face behind her ear, "Well ain't that a damn shame."

Knowing she'd follow, Rio headed out. It was against her better judgment to, but she kept telling herself it was for the better of her job. Really, it was to satisfy a craving she had.

"Rio wait!"

"Oh," He turned around, "I nearly forgot why I called you here."

"And what's that?" She stared back at him.

"Rio 4, Jade still 0," Rio kissed her cheek, sliding something into her back pocket.

"Come on darling, you gotta keep up."

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