《 Chapter Eleven 》

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"A fight will never be fair. One must learn that when entering the world."

"I know contemporary media might lead you to believe European history is full of swords, sorcery, and scandal," Tyler's eyes glitter with wonder as he listens to the museum's curator. "I assure you, the truth is far more interesting, and there's no better place to start than Renaissance Era pottery."

The curiosity dies in each member of the class, smothered by the disappointment of the tour. This makes the accompanying boy chuckle. In moments such as this, he sees it as a chance to explore the reality of history. Everything has the possibility to be exciting and new, and secrets are revealed under different views.

"Since we have limited time, Ms. Nomura, perhaps it's best if they explore the museum on their own," Strickler suggests, resisting the urge to roll his eyes.

Without a second of hesitation, the class scatters into their own section of the ancient historical artifacts. Leaving none but a party of one.

"Are you not going to join the others, Tyler?" the boy's teacher questions.

"Nah," he shakes his head, turning his attention to the curator. "I've got some questions for Ms. Nomura."

The woman appears pleasantly surprised by this and claps her hands together. "Fire away. We've got all the time in the world."

He smiles as she leads him inside to walk among the exhibits. This is something that he's been looking forward to all week, and he made sure to clear his schedule so he could have as much time here as he needs.

"Well," he starts, pulling out his phone to record their conversation, "I'd like to start by asking ye what ye know about the legends of King Arthur."

She smiles sweetly at him, almost too sweetly, but he pays no mind. "Why, that would depend. I am quite familiar with Merlin and the Round Table, but individual tales I'm afraid I lack the knowledge of."

Tyler nods in acknowledgement, using the moment to change some of his questions. "King Arthur was rather young when he received the throne, correct?"

"In most stories, yes," she assures him. "His age varies from tale to tale, but he's typically perceived as a young man in his twenties."

"Alright," he stops momentarily in front of an old tapestry. "Do ye know whether Merlin was a wizard, warlock, or sorcerer? I've heard there's quite the distinction, but I can't be sure."

For a moment, she ponders this, observing the tapestry in front of them. It's faded from age, but clearly holds a visual of a great battle. "In mainstream media, he's made out to be a wizard, but the legend insists that he was born with magic. That leaves us with two options. Both sorcerers and warlocks had the innate ability to perform magical acts but warlocks communed with forbidden creatures to harness their power while sorcerers did not."

The boy lets this sink in for a minute, analyzing the details of the fabric. "But Merlin conversed with magical creatures quite commonly. Would that not make 'im a warlock?"

"Yes, but forbidden does not necessarily mean magical," Nomura corrects. "He may have dealt with many magical creatures but not the forbidden."

He frowns, tapping his chin with the top of his phone. "I coulda sworn I read that he were a warlock."

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