《 Chapter Four 》

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"Have mercy on those who stand in my way, because I'm going to bring the thunder of heaven down on their heads."

"And ye do this every mornin'?" Tyler blinks at the boy skipping around the kitchen, only just blinking the sleep out of his eyes at seven-thirty in the morning.

"Yup," he quips, flipping an omelette onto a plate. "I didn't know what you liked, so I just did you a burrito. I hope that's good enough."

He stares at his foster-brother in surprise, shocked by his inclusion of him in breakfast. "Should be. I've been livin' off hospital meals for 'bout a month."

Jim hands him two paper bags, one with the word 'breakfast' written on the top while the other has 'lunch' scrawled neatly on its side. Both smell beyond heavenly.

Tyler's already struggling not to drool, swallowing thickly as his stomach rumbles in want. But he keeps his composure and places the lunch in his knapsack, slinging it over his shoulder as he dodges around Barbara to grab his boots. She just smiles at him, wishing a good morning before sitting at the table where her own breakfast resides.

"Thank ye, Jim," he jerks his head in an odd motion as he ties his laces. 

"It's no problem, really," he says, dropping his own lunch in his bag. "Bye, Mom!"

"Bye, Jim," Barbara chuckles before facing the foster-lad. "Have a good day, Tyler. Please contact me if there are any issues. You've got my number?"

"Aye," he nods, waving an old iPhone in the air to emphasize. "I wish ye well today."

Jim taps his shoulder in a gesture to follow, in which he stumbles to his feet, frowning at his oversized boots before joining the boy in the garage. 

Two metal frames lean against the wall, both with double wheels, though one is half the size of the other and has no seat. They're very odd to the newcomer, and he sees no immediate purpose for them. 

"Here," his housemate hands him a helmet and picks up the smaller of the two items, demonstrating how to use it. "This is a scooter. You'll be riding it to school while I take my bike."

"Alright," Tyler nods slowly, strapping on the helmet before taking the so-called 'scooter' from the boy's hands. "Seems easy enough."

Jim smiles a little as he climbs on his bike, placing his own helmet on his head. It'll be quite amusing to watch the bronze-haired boy adjust to the situation. That being said, he won't laugh, just watch from afar.

"We good to go?"

His response is a small nod and the sound of the garage door rolling up. Bright sunlight assaults both teens, making them blink in slight pain. One of them revels in the smell of old wood and damp earth, while the other beams at the presence of another awaiting them at the end of the drive.

They are quite different after all. As different as the four elements; one as equal in fire and air as the other is in water and earth. They contradict one another in the perfect ways, sharing very little in common besides their will for good. Like yin and yang, they are the perfect balance.

"Hey, Jimbo!" the stranger waves, grinning at his friend.

Jim immediately catches the way Tyler stiffens, and nearly shivers from the calculating glare directed at Toby. It's chilling and unnatural how quickly his demeanour changes.

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