Dialogue (Part 5)

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Cristian of Aragon -
The time has come for you to select your husband, your highness!

Kristian Howard -
May we present Charles of Denmark?

(Parr goes up on stage to represent Charles. He's in front the three boxes, him standing in the middle one.)

John Seymour -
Looking for mates, dates, and a British monarch whom to secure the line of succession, winky-face.

(Parr steps over to the right box, where the box lights up red and a sound effect of a thumbs down is played.)

Adam Boleyn -
Nein? Well, never mind, he already made a match with the Duchess of Milan.

Adam of Cleves -
Okay, next!

(Parr steps down.)

Adam Boleyn -
Your highness, may we present Angelo of Cleves?

(This time, Howard steps up to represent Angelo of Cleves. It is the same setup.)

Cristian Parr - 
Just a German guy trying to live the English dream. Hashtag no Catholics, hashtag big inheritance.

(Howard steps over to the right box, where the box lights up red and a sound effect of a thumbs down is played yet again.)

Cristian Parr - 

Cristian of Aragon -
Okay! Who's next?

(Howard steps down.)

(They all chatter in a frantic matter. Then, Adam of Cleves steps up with the same setup.)

Kristian Howard -
Adam! Fantastic! Wunderbar!

Cristian of Aragon -
Your highness, your highness, your highness! We are honored to present to you Adam of Cleves!

Adam Boleyn -
The most handsome man in all of the Holy Roman Empire!

Cristian Parr - 
And let me assure you, Hanne Holbein has certainly done him justice.

(This time, the box to the left of Adam lights up green and a thumbs up sound effect is played.)

Kristian Howard -
Ah, the good! And may I say you will definitely not be disappointed?

John Seymour -
Oh, no need to thank us, the pleasure has been ours—

Kings -
In the Haus of Holbein!

(The boys, besides Adam of Cleves begin to exit. Cristian Parr stays behind.)

Cristian Parr - 
The Haus of Holbein.

(Parr then exits as well. A sad piano melody plays in the background, with the only light on stage being shined down on Cleves.)

Adam of Cleves -
Well, I guess you already know what happened next. How I came to England, hopeful, summoned after the queen saw my portrait. And how I, with my meager looks the way they are, didn't live up to her expectations.

I mean, It's the usual story, isn't it? The savvy educated young prince deemed repulsive by the wheezing, wrinkled, gray-haired old hag twenty-four years his senior! Rejection, rejection from a queen!

How can anyone overcome the fate as devastating than being forced to move into a resplendent palace in Richmond with more money than I could ever spend in a lifetime?! And not a single woman around to tell me what to do with it. I mean seriously, just... tragic.

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