Part 2-Fantasies and Possibilities

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That morning I did my usual pull ups, squats, and sit ups. Then I finished off by doing some yoga and drank tea. During my exercise and meditation routine I thought about Ms. Lillia Simpson. I smirked thinking of what would happen if she saw me working out with my shirt off. She wouldn't jump me, even though the thought makes me giddy. I can see her doing yoga and drinking tea with me however.

Since that day I haven't stopped thinking about Lillia. This girl is exactly what I needed and wanted.

I am NOT and I repeat, NOT a rebound person. I know when it is time to move on and when to dedicate time to recover from a break up.

With this girl I've met I don't know how to describe it. She's intriguing and seductive, even if she isn't seductive herself.

I began to have fantasies about us...

In one fantasy she was wearing a sexy pair of lingerie and was seducing me by caressing her legs and bending over. I was sitting down in my living room watching her, and gulping my newly promoted wine also. Then she crawled into my lap and took my wine glass from me and sat it down on the end table. We smiled at each other and we began to kiss while I played with her lingerie lining. 

After having that fantasy I quickly went online and looked for a lingerie set to buy her. I found the perfect one which would suit her.

I typed up her address after the payment went through. I was surprised she forgot all about her university agenda. It's a good thing I kept it. I'm not gonna put my address however, I want her gift to be a surprise.

Another fantasy came to me after having the first...

This time I was walking with her to a park and she was smiling. I was smiling back and holding her hand tightly. Lillia then ran from me laughing and I chased after her. When I finally caught her we fell to the ground both laughing away. I gazed into her beautiful Ebony brown eyes and she gazed into mine.

I slowly lowered my head and we began to kiss. Our kiss then started to become intense and I started to run my hand over her intimately. She laughed and I kissed her once more. Enjoying having this beauty in my arms. 

Okay I think it's time I stop thinking about her for now. I checked my computer again for any important E-Mails and saw only two for now. I know later today or tomorrow there will be one and two more coming up. I do have my acting career and other ventures to deal with.

Speaking of my acting career. Should I be keeping this from Lillia? I shouldn't be doing that though. I finished replying to my second E-Mail and shut down my computer.

Afterwards I sat down and read from my Bible the Book of Psalms. That book has the most reassuring and inspirational of scriptures. Thinking about the words written I thought about Lillia again. She HAD to be a blessing from God into my life. THAT would explain my inability to divert my attention from her.

Did she believe in God? Only time would tell. I lit a candle and prayed to God that she and anyone else in her life would be fine today. Candles have always been my best way of reaching out to God. After an hour I sniffed out the candle and put my Bible away.

I started to have another fantasy about Lillia.

This time she was writing something in a notebook while I was basking in her beauty. She smiled and I asked what it was she was writing. She showed me it was a drawing of me without my shirt on. I wink at her and begin to caress her curves. Lillia began to laugh and wrapped her arms around me.

I removed my shirt and she started to caress my chest. I kiss her neck while she smiles and purrs. I whisk her off her feet and carry her to my bedroom

Oh brother, after having these two fantasies I better get myself a drink. I walk into my kitchen and start drinking some water. Honestly, I shouldn't be thinking like this about a girl I met. Yet I could be presuming too much.

One way of verifying that there was mutual attraction is by hanging out with her.

I remember that the university she attended was near a museum. Plus that was next door to a restaurant as well. From what I heard that same museum was having an exhibit, which would certainly and must have already interested her.

I remembered her telephone number from her agenda and dialed it.

The phone was ringing until I heard her beautiful voice.


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