"Poles!" Alby yelled out, and the gladers started pointing them at Ben, walking towards him in the process. 

While this was happening, I noticed Chuck looking more uncomfortable as it kept going. I put my hand on his shoulder. 

"Hey Chuck," I say softly, he turned to me, eyes filled with slight fear as Ben started shouting.

 "Let's go to the homestead yeah?" I rubbed his arm soothingly, he just nodded and we started walking back together, my arm wrapped around him protectively. 

Ben was still crying in the back as the walls finally closed on him. His yells were suddenly cut off.

I shut my eyes tightly while still trying to comfort Chuck. Ben was gone. He belongs to the maze now.

And there's nothing I can do about it.


Night finally came. I lied down on my hammock, looking up at the dark sky. 

A lot has happened these days, first the dream with the lady, then the memory with George, and now Ben getting stung. 

Maybe it's trying to tell me something. But what? I groaned and changed my sleeping position. 

"Put it all behind Flora. Put it all behind." I say to myself quietly before closing my eyes. Hoping sleep will takeover from my thoughts.

That night, the dream came back again. But this time I was in some kind of office, a different lady standing beside me.

"Flora...You don't have to do this you know..." She said to me in a motherly tone, she was much nicer than the previous lady I saw back then. 

She was holding my hand, caressing it with her thumb.

"You have a choice in this Flora."  She was reassuring me, but on what? What choice? 

"I know but... I can't just leave them......I'm staying."  

The lady looked down in defeat but still managed to give me a small smile and giving my hand a gentle squeeze. 

"I understand Flora."  

She let go of my hand and gave me a hug which I gladly accepted. 

"If you ever change your mind, you know where to find me." 


I open my eyes once again, awoken by the sounds of the walls opening, I got up to see three people at the wall entrance, there was Newt, Minho and...Alby? He's in runner gear, is he going into the maze? 

Seeing this, I quickly put on my shoes and ran to the walls as fast as I could before Minho and Alby took off sprinting into the maze. 

Newt saw me, all breathless and gasping from running all the way from the homestead to where I was standing right now.

"What...Why is Alby going into the maze?" I asked out of breath. 

Newt, noticing my worried face. Just walked passed me with an assuring pat to the shoulder. 

"Don't worry, they'll be back before sundown." I watch him walk back to the homestead

"Newt." I raised my voice a bit, but just loud enough for him to hear and turn back to me. 

"You didn't answer my question. What is going on?" I asked, eyes filled with desperation.

He looked down with a frustrated sigh and brought up a hand to rub his face before putting it back down to his side. He looked at me with a serious expression. 

Maze Runner: SAFE [Gally x OC]Where stories live. Discover now