Chapter 13

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Chapter 13


'He hurts himself. Mate hurts himself! He's leaving I don't want him to leave!' My wolf kept crying out.

I was sobbing at the end of the driveway, hoping for him to turn around and come back for me. I had ran out after him, only to see the tail lights of the hummer pulling away.

Rocking back and forth on my knees I finally stood, before running to the house. Thank the goddess that the pack had numerous vehicles at the packs disposal.

Entering the garage I grab a random key and click it hurriedly. The Jeep closest to me beeped and I rushed to it. I had to get there before he left.

Stepping on the gas I speed out of the garage and out of the driveway.



I couldn't help the tears that ran down my face. My wolf was aching at the closed bond between us.

His hoarse cries entered my head once more, 'please don't do this Austin. I'm begging you. Don't leave our mate. She needs us, and we most definitely need her. Please, please don't do this.'

I chocked as he showed me her thoughts and her struggle to reach me. It made my heart ache worse.

'Please stop your making it hurt worse.'
I reply back.

He whimpers one last time before receding from my mind.

"Son, don't do this, to you and your mate. They will understand, don't go back. Your mate needs you here. You need to be here for her. Support her and love her. Start a family. Just don't leave her." Mitchell said.

I nodded,"You have no idea how much I want that, but I can't give her that. I'm not good enough for her, no where near it in fact."

He scoffed,"Austin you were made for her! What are you talking about you aren't good for her?", He paused for a moment before continuing,"This is about your dad isn't it? Listen son, and listen good, your dad loves you. I know that after your mom died he became angry and mean, but he did love you. After he had yelled at you all those times he would come to me after, crying! Do you know how bad it was for me to see my best friend in so much pain? It's hard. I think we all know somewhat what you are going through and I know it's hard. Just remember things always work out for the best."

I sigh and run a hand through my hair,"Any advice?"

"The best advice I can give you is don't leave. Laken, your mate, is here. Your family, is here. Don't leave it all behind because a little bit of low self-esteem problems. I assure you that everyone has it at times."

I smile and nod but then let it slip from my face. What do I do now?

I couldn't just leave the Navy out of the blue. I was one of the highest ranking officers and it was a hard position to replace.

My fleet admiral was to meet me and a few others at the airport. Hopefully when I updated him on the situation, he would understand, for he too is a werewolf.

Mitchell pulled up to the drop off curb, outside of the airport. The silence between us was thick, but he clapped me on the shoulder.

"Son, I really hope it works out for the best."

I nod and open the door, closing it behind me. As I grab my two duffel bags from the back of the hummer, I pull of my cap. My navy outfit was pretty cool, so I wore it a lot.

I hit the car as I hiked the two duffels up my shoulder and started towards the check in.

"Hello, welcome to Delta Airlines. Are you here for the flight to Atlanta and connecting flight to Istanbul?" The receptionist asked.

"Yes." I answer simply.

She gets me all of my tickets ready, taking my luggage, and checking my passport and ID.

Before I know it Im standing in front of my Boss and a few more guys who were called back in. They must be just as pissed as me.

"Alright boys, I'm sorry about you getting called back but we have a schedule. Let's get moving."

We all grab our things and start to the terminal. Just as the lady grabs my ticket though we hear a commotion outside of the terminal.

"No please you have to let me in!"

"I'm sorry ma'am but you are going to have to leave. You have no ticket. Either buy one or leave. Please I do not want to have to call security."

"No please you don't understand he can't leave!"

Why did that voice sound so familiar? Well obviously I had an idea of who it was considering my wolf howled from within.

I could hear the tears in Laken's voice as she begged to see me.

"Please! No! I can't let him leave without letting him know!" she yells again as I hear her struggle.

Security? Where they hurting her?

I growled and ran back out of the terminal leaving the attendant and other guys shocked. Barging past a few people I finally make it out to see two guards dragging Laken away.

"Stop!" I yell running after them.

Laken stomps on one of the officers' foot and broke free. She ran to me crying. I couldn't help but ran towards her to and pick her up as I reached her.

"Please don't leave me Austin please! You can't I love you! Please dont. Stay! Stay I need you!" She sobs.

A few tears escaped my eyes at her predicament. My on Earth did I want to leave again? Oh yeah I don't!

I hear a faint,"Don't worry boys the boss will understand lets go. He'll figure out he's needed more here."

"I'm so sorry.", I whisper in Laken's ear, kissing it, "I'm not gonna leave I promise. I have no idea what I was thinking."

"Okay just please don't leave, please!" She pleads, sobbing harder.

I nod, smoothing back her hair.

"I won't, I won't. I'll never leave you, ever, ever again."


I'm so sorry it took so long to finish. I wanted it to be perfect, which I hope it is.


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