She was chatting and laughing with the reception woman.


Lilith p.o.v

Dawn, the receptionist suddenly stopped laughing at what I said.

She was staring behind me with dreamy eyes.

Feeling confused, I looked back to see what caught her eyes.

I was shocked.

I tried to act like I don't recognize him. I faced Dawn who was still in awe.

I heard throat been cleared behind me but I ignored it.

I tried gaining back Dawn's attention.

"I'll leave you to your work, Dawn".

She didn't even hear me. Such a girl.

I turned to take my leave.

" Please wait"

I assumed he wasn't referring to me and kept walking.

"Wait, Lilith".

Hearing my name, I looked over my shoulder.

He was already moving towards.

I raised an eyebrow.

He stood beside me.

"Hi" Daniel greeted with  barely covered excitement.

" Hi" looking at him like a stranger.

Well, he was a stranger.

"Uhm.. I'm Daniel. Daniel Austin" .

Seeing my confused look, he continued.

"I don't know if you remember but we met at the beach two months ago "

Feigning ignorance " I'm sorry but I do not remember".

" You were with a brunette that day. Infact you forgot your mat."

" Mat! Oh yeah! I've been trying to remember where I kept it."

Intentionally omitting that i remembered him.

" If you're here to return the mat, please don't bother. Thank you".

I left his presence.

I went to meet a small girl that was waiting to be seen by the doctor.

Her expression said it all.

She was scared.

I sat beside her and held her hands.

She looked up at me.

"My mom once told me that injections are like pinch from a friend".

" When your friend pinches you, you don't focus on the pain but the intention behind it".

" Your friend only pinched you out of play"

" So think of injections as your friend. Focus on the intention behind it."

" The intention is to make you feel better so you can play with your other friends".

" Do you like how you are feeling now?"

She shook her head.

" Do you want to play with your friends"?

" Yes"

" So, if you want that, you let injection make you do what?"

" Feel better" she whispered.

" That's right, dear?.

I stood up to leave, only to be faced with Daniel freaking Austin.

How long has he been standing there. And why was he still here.

Seriously, what's his deal.

Ignoring him, I went my way.

He stepped beside me. Walking side by side.

"You're fond of running away from me. I wonder why".

I didn't say anything.

" That was nice. What you did with that girl".

I kept walking. Making my steps fast.

But he had no trouble catching up on me.

Damn his long legs.

God. I can't wait to leave his presence.

"What do you want, Mr. Austin?"

"Oh! she talks" he teased

I rolled my eyes, irritated.

" I want your number and call me Daniel" he said with an arrogant smirk.

I wish I could wipe that smirk from his stupid face.

"Car number, park number, lucky number, what number?"

" You know the number I'm referring to, love?" " Your cell number"

" I haven't been to prison. Never been jailed. Sorry to disappoint you and please don't call me love".

"Feisty. Humor. I like it." " Your phone number, love".

"I don't give out my phone number to strangers and again, stop with the love".

" Okay, do you prefer sugar, buttercup, lilicious, ginger?" He listed.

I cringed with each nickname.

He chuckled, " that's what I thought".

"Now, about the stranger title, that can be changed"

" No, thanks. I'd rather not"

" Don't you find me pleasing, love"?

Stupid egocentric male.

I left his presence and entered a ward.

" I'll keep coming here till you heed" he shouted.

Shaking my head.

What a prick.



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