Marco Reus [~] To Russia With Love

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, sure. Come on in," Jade replied, opening the door further. Mario followed Jade into the living room. Sitting opposite of each other, Jade stared concerned at Mario. "So, what's up?"

"Look, I know you were planning to go to the U.S. but I'm telling you that you need to go to Russia," Mario stated, getting straight to the point. "It would mean the world to Marco."

"Mario, I think you got the wrong impression of Marco and I's relationship—"

"—if you're about to tell me that Marco doesn't love you, I'm going to flip this couch," Mario stated seriously, cutting off Jade. "Look, I don't know what your exact feelings are, but I don't think you were complaining with his flirting."

"Mario, I can't just show up in Russia," Jade argued, tiredly rubbing her face with her hand.

"Why not? I'll pay for everything, and I can get you into the games." Sighing deeply, Jade stared at Mario.

"I promised my parents I would go home and see them. Marco doesn't need me there, we're just friends. Germany will do fine," Jade spoke, causing Mario to sigh. Standing up, he moved to leave.

"If you change your mind, you know who to call," Mario called over his shoulder before showing himself out of Jade's apartment. Jade had flown back to Pennsylvania a few days later like she had promised she would, much to Mario's frustration.

A few days later, Jade sat in front of the television in her living room and watched the Mexico vs. Germany match. Marco wasn't starting, but Jade was sure that he would play later in the match. Watching the match quietly, Jade was stunned when a goal from Lozano gave Mexico the lead over Germany. Despite German attempts, Mexico walked away from the match with a win. The camera panned around to the distraught German players, landing on Marco's defeated expression. Moving out of the room, Jade pulled out her phone and dialed Mario's number. "I changed my mind," she stated immediately.

Almost a week later, Jade shyly walked into the large Russian stadium, clutching her ticket tightly in her hand. Finding her seat, Jade sat quietly with a German jersey on her back and a German flag on both of her cheeks. Marco was unaware of her arrival in Russia, and Mario had told Jade to keep it that way until the German v. Sweden match had concluded.

The match started, and Jade sat nervously in her seat. Marco was starting and looked focused on the pitch. The game went back and forth for the first half until Sweden's Toivonen chipped the ball over Manuel Neuer's head and straight into the back of the goal. Sweden kept placing pressure onto Germany until the whistle blew for the end of the half.

Jade bit her lip nervously. If Germany lost, they would be knocked out of the tournament in the group stage. On the other hand, would Marco really want to see her if they lost the match? She knew it was a selfish question, but Jade couldn't help but be concerned that Marco would be less than pleased to see her if Germany lost the match.

The second half started with the entire German crowd on their toes, worried a repeat of the last match would occur right before their eyes. Nearly three minutes into the next half, German players run down the pitch, picking up momentum. A cross comes into the box and Jade holds her breath as the ball bounces off of Marco's knee and into the back of the net. Jumping up and down, Jade cheers with the rest of the German fans and Germany resets.

Germany keeps pressing but a misplaced tackle by Boateng puts the Germans down a man. Jade sits on the edge of her seat as Boateng walks off. Sure, a tie wouldn't mean the end of the German's World Cup run, but a win would definitely be more promising. Stoppage time arrives, and Jade watches the clock continued to tick on when a foul outside of Sweden's box sets up a last-minute set piece.

Marco stands next to Toni Kroos as the official blows the whistle. Kroos taps the balls to Marco, who settles it for Toni to whip the ball into the back of the net in a stunning free kick goal. Jade smiled widely and cheers again as the Germans celebrate wildly. The match concludes soon after and Jade makes her way towards the locker rooms. Following the instructions Marco gave her, she shows the security guards her pass before walking over to where the other German player's families were waiting.

The players eventually started to make their way through, spotting their families and pulling them into celebratory hugs. Jade stood silently towards the back of the group, recognizing a few of the players that had already passed by her. Then, she heard a familiar voice laughing as he entered the room, conversing with Thomas.

Marco's gaze glanced over the group, immediately landing on Jade. His body stopped suddenly, words caught in his throat. Thomas raised an eyebrow before glancing around the room, his own eyes landing on Jade. Rolling his eyes playfully, Thomas pushed Marco over towards Jade. The forward stumbled, but the goofy smile of his quickly returned. "What are you doing here?"

"To congratulate you, obviously," Jade smiled, walking towards him. Marco took her hand in his own, tugging her closer to him.

"You know, there is one way that you could congratulate me," he smiled. "Go on a date with me?"

"I would love to go on a date with you, Marco," Jade answered, the widest smile on her face. Thinking to herself for a moment, Jade chuckled. "I got you a present, if you want it."

"What's my present?" Marco asked, grabbing Jade's other hand with his own. Standing on her tip toes, Jade pressed her lips to Marco's. Marco wrapped his arms around her waist as the two enjoyed each other's company. 

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