The Mistralian Thorn and a tense reunion

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Author's Notes

Alright, so, important note: I'm suffering major writers block with my other three (technically four) stories and only managed to scrounge this together.

Side note: Did you want this version of Jaune to have a harem or singular partner? Please do comment as it tells me what's most preferred.

Anyway, onto the story!

=Flashback; Handsome Jack's office=

Lounging in his office chair, Jack lamented on his current state of boredom.

Of course, being the CEO of Hyperion (by elimination, but nonetheless) had its perks, there was something that always managed to install a sense of boredom in him. Often times, he tried to figure out what it was, but couldn't come up with anything.

The only thing that ever excited him these days were one of two things, or perhaps both.

First: the prospect of getting to kill some more Vault Hunters for trying to get in his way. Can never go wrong with killing a murderous asshole with a goal.

The second, and the one that really got his heart pumping: the idea of finally killing that slut Moxxi, the Siren bitch Lilith, and that complete and utter bastard Roland.

Many would assume he would be out for the blood of Moxxi and Lilith, with Moxxi stabbing his back and Lilith scaring his face; and he would be inclined to agree (not like he would, what do you take him for?). However, when those first betrayed him by trying to blow him, his hired helpers and all of Helios to hell those couple years ago, Roland did something that really pissed Jack off.

He dared to say "I'm sorry", and sound somewhat remorseful. 

In the end, however, it would all reach the same ending. Him finally having charged the Vault Key, awaking and controlling the Warrior and wiping the bandit population of Pandora out of existence. Then, all would be put into a more peaceful state, where the chaos driven planet would have some semblance of order.

He couldn't wait for things to reach the finale, where he could come out on top.

=Mistral Gate; 3 days later=

Walking through the entrance of Mistral, a dirt and scratch covered Jaune shook off the memories from his head. Looking around, he sighed in relief of finally arriving at his destination. After almost a week without the gloriousness of that is indoor plumbing, he was itching for a nice, warm shower and a functioning toilet.

Patting himself down and smoothing out his clothes, Jaune remembered that upon reaching Mistral, he was to head to the lower levels, as informed by the Goddess of Darkness/Mael.

'Something about an ally, or something. First: gotta find some bar named the Crimson Corset. Better get started.' he thought. Mind set, he proceeded to the city stairs which will go downwards. As he was walking, he was sightseeing the various building and market-trade stalls. Fruit, vegetable, utilities, and other things were being sold in the streets.

Going down the steps, he remembered a time when he was told a lesson regarding Mistral;

The lower you go, the worst it gets.

After some more searching in the slightly decrepit streets, he came up short in his search for the bar. Swallowing his pride, he went to ask for directions.

Handsome Jaune (RWBY x Borderlands Crossover) {100 Follower Special}Where stories live. Discover now