A Divine Explanation

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Sorry this took so long. Life was finally catching up to me (though I wish it didn't).

Hope you enjoy

All was silent as Jaune looked up at the towering form of the God of Darkness (G.O.D).

The blonde megalomaniac has encountered many things that are seen as Gods of some kind, namely the Vault Monsters like the Warrior and Destroyer, but to have one physically talking to him? A bit of a brain overload, that is.

"It has been quite some time since I had a human gaze it me speechless. Thank you for reminding me why I hated it." Darkness cut in, derailing Jaune's silent shock/awe.

Shaking his head, he managed to give a clear response. "Sorry, just didn't expect myself to fall asleep than wake up talking to a God." he said with slight sarcasm and trepidation.

Altering his size, the G.O.D now stood at equal to Jaune's 6ft1 height, as to make it easier for eye contact. "On the contrary, you are still asleep within that little branch of yours. We are merely communicating in what you call the 'Mind-Scape'. As for the scenery, I decided to give us both some familiarity." he said, gesturing to the decrepit landscape around the two.  

Looking at the jagged rocks and black pits, Jaune voiced his thoughts. "Hate to break it to ya, but I actually never been here before."

Shrugging without a care, Darkness replied nonchalantly. "That may be true, but even you must admit that this reminds of the area on Pandora called the Eridium Blight, correct?" Jaune had to admit, he had a point there. Taking a more analytic look, it does remind him of that desolate shithole. However, that brought up another point.

"So not only are you the one to bring me back from the dead-still reeling from that by the way-but also know specific locations on Pandora. Just how long have you been watching, oh God of Darkness?" Jaune asked mockingly, as if testing Darkness' patience.

Shame that being alive as long as he has, Darkness developed quite alot of it.

"Truth be told, I have been watching over you since you were born, never interacting but merely observing. And before you ask," Darkness said, holding up a hand to stop Jaune from talking. "I mean when you were born as an Arc, not your second life." he clarified, a speechless Jaune coming to terms with this revelation.

Taking a deep breath, Jaune began to briefly sum up everything he was just told. "So you're telling me, that you've seen every last moment of my life, from birth to death, and I was ignorant to it this whole time?" he asked with barely restrained rage. 

Seeing Darkness casually nod his head yes, Jaune attempted to hit him with a right hook. However, a geist arm suddenly shot out of the ground, catching his wrist and preventing it from connecting. Soon, more came out of the ground, restricting his remaining arm and his legs, all whilst Jaune attempted to break free to no avail.

Walking closer to the struggling blonde, Darkness could only feel sympathetic towards his plight. While many may feel ecstatic to be noticed by something of divine nature, it was the opposite for the Arc.

Pain, betrayal, loss, hate. Just some of the things Darkness has seen throughout Jaune's life, often being the same scenario later on but worse in scale. From friend turned bully(1), friends to abusers, and finally, friends attempting to end your life.

The Arc was no doubt wondering why he never interfered with these events. And that is an explanation Darkness will gladly provide.

"I don't expect you to agree with my actions," Darkness began, Jaune taking deep breaths and paying attention, "But the reason I never altered any of the events during your life was because of my brother. If I did anything directly, then he would know near immediately. In short, I didn't want to cause you more strife by having my brother looking down on you."

Handsome Jaune (RWBY x Borderlands Crossover) {100 Follower Special}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang