She pursed her lips. "Well, the more research I've done, the more I've realized that there's a trend in the disappearances that happen. Most of the time, they're people who weren't conforming. They were deemed crazy because they talked about God and wouldn't worship the Supremacy. Or they were too outspoken in their disapproval of the Supremacy and their idea of conformity and tolerance."

"I don't fall in either category." His stomach dropped even as he said it. "Do I?"

She raised a brow. "Independent thinkers of any sort are a danger to any system the Supremacy runs."

"I'm one person! What can I do?"

"You can spark a fire. And if you did, you wouldn't be the first. They keep it quiet, but there have been a few others who started a fire and a storm of protests, questions, and rebellions."

"I'm not going to do any of that."

"But they're still afraid you will."

"Afraid of what?" He threw up his hands. "They have all the power!"

She shook her head. "They don't, and they know they never will so long as people think for themselves. Because of that, anyone who questions the regime is a risk. You won't give up that precious gift they've robbed most others of. Your right to think for yourself. You are proof they aren't God and that their system failed."

He frowned. "Sounds like a conspiracy."

She smoothed her hands over her dress slacks. "It's not. And I have one other thing you should probably know."

More bad news? He pinched the bridge of his nose. "What is it?"

"The Supremacy gave you that button on purpose. They only said it was a fluke to appease your parents so they wouldn't fuss too much. They also lied when they said the button couldn't be removed and reinstalled properly. That button was supposed to be a fool proof kill switch."

Kill switch? At fifteen when his button had been installed, he hadn't done anything to warrant that, had he? He crossed his arms. "How do you know that?"

"I saw the files on my dad's holo. He doesn't know I know about his involvement in the government's button program, but I found out years ago. I've kept an eye on his files ever since I found out he ran 'damage control' for them."

Heat burned in his chest. "Damage control, eh?"

She ducked her head. "I'm sorry."

"How long have you known?"

"Only a week or so, but I didn't think they'd go as far as to set a thug on you."

"Why not kill me outright?" He leapt to his feet with a glower and began pacing. "Why let me live if they couldn't risk anyone thinking for themselves?"

"Your family's old money. If they'd let you die during the operation or killed you outright, your parents would've raised a huge fuss. The button was supposed to do it quietly and make it look like a natural death from heart attack or a sudden bursting of a blood vessel in your brain. Stuff no one would really question."

"Why not use the button?"

"From what the files said, they've been keeping an eye on your progression. Initially, the kill order was one they were willing to evaluate if the societal pressures of the bullying and shunning over your button conformed you. Whoever was assigned to keep an eye on you put in the kill order, and the button was activated. But the notes said the kill switch failed."

His cheeks burned. How dare they do such a thing? He didn't deserve that. No one did! "They're supposed to be tolerant! I haven't done anything bad enough to deserve this. They can't just dispose of me because I don't entirely agree."

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