You see, Kiki is a full personality. She knows herself. I admire her. I also love her like my very own sister. As for myself, well, I'm quiet. I love reading and writing. I can read for hours and hours and hours if I could get away with it. Anytime Kiki sees me she exclaims, "READING!" But I just can't help it.

My favorite genre is romance. There's nothing more exciting to me than when characters first meet. I love it. Falling in love seems so fun. I wouldn't know of course. I've never been in love. Sure I've had crushes, but nothing major. I haven't even been on a date. I know...pathetic. But, no one in my high school really appealed to me. Plus no one ever asked me out on a date. So yeah. I'm just a quiet girl who loves to stick my head into a fantasy and stay there. I'm introverted. Kiki is extroverted. We balance each other out.

"There's the social sciences building," Kiki gestures.

"Yeah. There's a ton of freshman going in."

Of course there would be. Gotta get those general subjects out of the way. I should have taken AP courses. Now I get why all of the smart kids were racing around so hard in high school trying to get as many of them out of the way as possible. Crap.

"Yo," Kiki nudges my arm. "Did ya' see that dude?"

"Where?" I crane my neck all around trying to find the source of Kiki's captivation.

"No!" She whisper yells and points. "Over yonder."

I snicker. "Over yonder!" Alluding to a place in the Kamisama Kiss anime. My absolute favorite one.

Kiki gives me a knowing wink, but then goes back to the source. "Look! Hurry! You're gonna miss him! Ugh! You missed him. Dang it."

"Crap! What did he look like?"


I roll my eyes and follow her into the classroom. I was expecting a lecture hall, but was met with a regular old classroom. Huh. There definitely wasn't going to be any horsing around in here.

My eyes widened spotting the teacher. Mrs. Minty. Holy crap she's dressed all in mint green. Well damn.

"Embracing it," Kiki nudges.

"I guess." I sit down, placing my bag under my desk and watch as students file in.

"So, guess what?"


"There's a party every Friday night."

"How would you even know that already?" I whisper.

Kiki rolls her eyes. "I know everything. So? We gonna party like it's 1999?" She dances in her seat.


"You know? 1999? Prince? Oh my lord," Kiki rubs her temples. "Never mind."

"Girls. This isn't high school, you know."

Mortification consumes me. Embarrassment has a look and a feel. It's red and it's hot which is the current state of my face. Kill me now. I glare at Kiki then glance around the room at the curious faces.

"Heh," She smirks daring to push the limits.

I don't want any syllables exiting her mouth. There is no way I am getting into trouble on the first day of school, I mean college. Adulting. Dammit. I'm failing already! And, I nearly do fail towards the end of class. It was so boring, Kiki has to kick me awake. I don't know how I'm gonna make it through an entire year of Mrs. Minty's monotone voice. Also, someone needs to tell her soliloquies are usually private!

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