Where is she anyway? When she left our room she said she was going to head to the coffee shop to get a coffee. Did she mean the school's coffee shop or the Starbys on the corner? I pull my backpack onto my other shoulder deciding this one strap idea isn't working. Better two strap it. I struggle to pull the second strap on not realizing the show I've just given. That is until I notice a boy staring straight at my chest. I can feel my double Ds swaying as I settle my back pack fully onto my back and roll my eyes. Yup. This is definitely going to be just like high school.

Just as I settle myself, I see Kiki in the distance and wave. She hoists two cups of coffee into the air. I should have known. She went to Starbucks. She wasn't taking any chances with the school's coffee shop.

"Got Starbys, girlfriend!"

"Thanks, girl."


"I'm so glad our first class is together. History!" I sing before sipping my drink and burning my tongue instantly erasing my happiness. "Ah!"

"Gotta blow at it, man," Kiki smirks.

Running my tongue over my injured lip a few times seems to ease the weird burning sensation. "Do you think our teacher will be nice?"

"Probs. Her name is Mrs. Minty. She has to be."

"At the most she'll be fresh," I laugh at my own lame joke while Kiki busts out with a belly laugh of her own. I know she's laughing at how dumb I am rather than the joke. I love saying stupid crap like that just to hear her laugh. It's infectious. Watching try-not-to-laugh videos are the best. The moment I click on a video, her high cheekbones raise even higher cracking a huge smile and instantly failing with rolling laughter. It's all we do when we're together. Laugh that is. We've earned plenty of detentions just from laughing.

I'm really hopeful there are no detentions in college. I highly doubt it. But she needs to be on her best behavior, and I have to do my best not to look at her. The moment I do, it's game over. She senses me, and her giant blue eyes and impossibly long lashes turn to me and we bust out laughing. Don't ask me why. So, I gotta keep it together. No laughing or being disruptive. I'm eighteen years old. An adult. It's time to start adulting or whatever. That's what my mom says. I don't know how to adult. Kiki refuses. She's hanging on to her youth with both hands. Yeah she's bad ass, she even has a motorcycle. A Doohickey or something like that.

"Kiki, is your bike called a Doohickey?"

Warm coffee sprays my entire face. "Whaaaat? A Doohickey?!" Laughter rumbles out of her to the point she's crouching over while I sling my bag off and pull out tissues. The girl is lucky I don't have my glam on. I'm only wearing waterproof mascara and lip gloss today. Otherwise, I'd kill her. Ugh! Great. Now I'm gonna smell like coffee. I sigh. So much for first impressions.

I manage to clean myself up and toss the pathetically soaked tissues into a nearby garbage can and wipe the remainder coffee that wants to cling to my hands all over her butt. She only wears black jeans so it's all good, plus she doesn't care. She's the biggest guys girl that's ever lived. She once grabbed a pair of my dirty socks off the floor and threw them on because she was running late citing I was cleaner than anyone she'd ever met.

"Thanks a lot, Kiki."

"Oh my god. That was sooo funny. Doohickey," She sobers for a moment. "It's a Ducati," She snickers. "Why?"

I shrug. "It just popped in my head."

She nods. Anyway, she's managing to hang onto her youth by being a super huge gamer, collecting video game and anime merch and Living Dead Dolls. She brought some of her stuff and decorated our place with it even. Along with all of her art. She's a big horror artist. So, basically, I get to fall asleep to images of Michael Meyers, Jason, the Nun, It, the list goes on and on. But it's okay 'cuz I'm used to it.

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