Character info

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Name: Haruto Amemori

Age: 17

Birthday: June 3rd, 2001

Sign: Gemini

Race: Human

Looks: Fluffy almost white-blonde hair, Sparkling blue eyes, fitted with a curvy body,

Blood type: AB

Height: 5'2"

Sexuality: Bi

Nationality: half Japanese half Korean

Occupation: high school student,

Family: Real father - Haru amemori (alive) Real mother - Akira amemori (unknown) Stepfather - Seiji Komori (alive) Stepsister Yui Komori (alive)

Personality: Caring, kind, gentle, sarcastic, understanding, flirty almost emotionless, blunt,  brave, doesn't care a lot about things, goofy, and smart,

Talents: A great chef who knows more than 15 different languages, can play over 10 instruments, an awesome singer, could be the second bob ross, is a master at ice skating, won multiple awards in mixed martial arts, and is a natural when it comes to book smarts,

Likes: the Sakamaki's, the Makumis, the Tsukinamis, and Kino, anything sweet, Karlheinz, the people who cared for him back at the church, singing, gardening, Mr toshi, any kind of tea, fashion, his snake Haru, and teasing people,

Dislikes: Seiji, Yui, half the church, sour foods, the number 9, vegetables, someone waking him up or taking his food, annoying people, loud noises, and the colors pink and green,

A little peek of the past: Haruto was abandoned by his mom as a child his mother was a prostitute and his father a mafia leader,his father loved him more then anything even if he was the result of a one nightstand, so after harutos mom abandoned him his father decided too raise him till the age of 6 years old where he left him on the doorstep of the church with a heavy heart for his safety after realizing how dangerous the mafia life is so he decided that leaving haruto was the only solution, seiji found him the next morning and decided too take him in, and that's where the abuse started overtime he became immune too pain and trained in mix martial arts for self defense and other things as hobbies and a coping mechanism after his father left him, he's been looking for his father but no matter how hard he tried he couldn't find him, but he never gave up hope, his father left him a locket with a little note explaining why he had too leave and that he loved him, a picture of them together, and a rare albino snake which he later named haru after his father,


His locket:

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His locket:

His father:

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His father:

As you can see haruto took after his father based on half of his looks but haruto has more of a feminine look to him,

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As you can see haruto took after his father based on half of his looks but haruto has more of a feminine look to him,

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