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"You are finally here." Tony's voice came from somewhere in the apartment as Brian opened the door. "They wouldn't allow me to eat with out you. Oh Sinjen, you're here." he said as he rounded the corner and laid eyes on us.

"Sin." Mel said. "You didn't have to come." she said.

I went further into the spacious lounge ans toward her. "I saw Brian when i was going up to the dorm after my date. He offered to give me a ride." I told her. "Hey guys."

"Date? Another one? With who?" Brant asked.

"With Calvin douche." Mel had gone to cry on his shoulder just as i had guessed.

"Yes. Now we're co-douches Brant." Tony whooped.

"Pete," Kyle asked from the arm chair in the corner. "Why are we friends with this kid?"

"Beats me mate. It must be the sandwhiches he makes."

"Must be. You should try them Sin they're the best." I smiled at him and sat down next to him because the only other option was either of the three couples, Brian or Tony on the floor.

"How was your date?" he asked me. And here it started. He was automatically falling into the role he once had.

"Good." I said shortly. He simply nodded.

"Where did he take you?" Vanessa asked from her seat next to Brant.

"The zoo." I told her.

"Oooh sweet." Mell and Lisa cooed.

Tony huffed in laughter, "Typical kissing spot."

"What?" Van asked. "It's not." she argued. "Right babe?"

"Uhhh. Yeah right." Brant answered shifting slightly.

"Brant." she shouted hittinh his chest.

"Baby, it was our fourth date. It was fun."

"You said you liked animals." she accused.

"I do. But i also liked kissing you." he was honest, I'll give him that.

"You said you wanted to show mev the kuala." she huffed.

"I did babe." Brant tried to convine her. "It was my favorite when i was little because of it's claw. I wanted to show it to you because i like your claw." this got a chuckle from the boys around.

"And i'll bring them out in a bit if you keep treating me like an idiot." she warnes.

"Vanessa, listen. " Brant began. "I like kissing you. I also liked the kuala and wanted to show it to you. It happened to be that i could do both at the same place. Does that mean it either is a lie? No. So lets drop it. And Tony, one eye open man. Sleep with one eye open." This got a laugh from all of us.

"Can we watch the movie now?" Tony asked ignoring Brant.

"Press play T." Kev huffed in annoyance at the grown man acting like a ten year old boy.

"Thank you." Tony sighed.

I curled myself up on the couch and tucked my legs under me careful not to touch Kyle, as the intro song of the action movie we were about to watch played.

"He took you to the zoo." Kyle chuckled.

"Yeah. Why?" I asked him turning to see him shaking his head.

"A little presumptious of him don't you think? Being the second date."

"How?" i asked confused.

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