The Epilogue

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In a rush of cold air, Myles O’Connor, a man of twenty nine and just as lanky and handsome, brought his newly wed to his chest upon the dance floor. Her beautiful white dress, decorated with sequins and lace, was breath taking and as high-named designer as it could get. His own suit was fine, high and mighty in tailor and design. It was a fashionable, fancy wedding, and it was only for those who dared to come.

A dance. A final dance of the bride and groom. The tears in Myles’ eyes took a stroll down memory lane as he watched his beautiful bride smile up at him, now long hair pulled into a bun and makeup done wonderfully. This was the most important, most wonderful day in their lives, and for every reason: The wedding of Myles and Catalina O’Connor.

Three years ago, Myles had been playing video games after pulling the plug on his own mother. The funeral was weak, just a few prayers said by Aunt Crystal and a few tears shed by Jennifer. Nothing much afterwards was said, and nothing more was needed. She was gone, and was barely there in the first place.

Catalina had helped him through it all, and Eli and Jacob were right there with them, as well. Eli and Jacob had both found people to date. Eli met a nice girl, Oliva, and Jacob met up with Amanda after the years and years of not having talked with her. A day on the street and a run into her ended up in a kid on the way and a proposal soon afterwards.

Sitting in tuxedos as best men, the twins watched their best friend dance about with the love of his life. Dianna was no match to the wonder of creation that was Catalina. She would never match the heart that woman had, the brain she had, nor the smile she had. Catalina had learned so much from Myles, and even more from Jennifer.

She had learned what family truly acted like under pure pressure. She learned how to communicate with her own siblings more, especially Samanta. She had learned from Jennifer how to dress “fashionably”, with help from Myles, of course.

Jennifer, present at the ceremony and not the reception, was living in L.A., finally. Her dreams of becoming a full-time model had come true, being on covers of TIME and Sports Illustrated, being named as “Most Influential Model of the Year” twice in a row by Vogue, and even winning a few awards for fashion shows with highly-named fashion designers.

She was raking in the weight and was glad to share it with her family when they were in need of it. Myles, on the other hand, was going great starting out his own career as a model once more. he started for tee-shirt companies and then ended up signing a deal with Hollister. He set up his own shooting platform in the new home he and Cat had bought the year prior and was able to shoot everything from home, then send his pictures to Hollister Headquarters over in New Albany, Ohio. He made decent money from it, and Catalina helped along side with her gaming progress.

She owned a small gaming production company in title with Ubisoft and was doing great on sales with her finally finished game, made with her younger brother, Isha: A Night in the Mind. It was only a year post production and two hundred thousand sales in, but everything was going smoothly and Myles had finished it with pride. They were attempting to get Cat and Isha to sign on a contract to make it a full-on RPG for the PS4, but it was going to be a struggle since Isha was looking towards Nintendo rather than keeping the contract with Ubisoft. Of course to anyone who didn’t care about gaming, nor fashion, Ubisoft and Vogue were just names, allusions on a page in a book.

The people in the reception, sitting in fancy dresses and tuxedos all happy for the bride and groom; the people in life who matter in those people’s lives. They’d come from all sorts of backgrounds and big cities, and one even had come from across the world. Samanta, sitting next to Isha, was watching her older sister dance to the music with a man she knew nothing about but had heard of many times.

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