Chapter 77

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I sat in the hallway waiting for everyone to come to our room , I heard footsteps and a lot talking and I look up and there is Zoe,Louise and her family,Marcus,Jim,Tanya,Troye,Tyler and Connor . I stand up and asked "Ready?" They all replied "yeah!""defiantly""let's go!" I knocked on our door and Jeremy had out bag and said "let's go to the beach !" And everyone cheered as we walked to the elevator and into the lobby.
We were in a uber ,talking about random stuff that come to our minds when suddenly we hear thunder , "fuuuck" Tyler says "what are we going to do now ?" Troye asks,"we could swim at the hotel ! "Louise says we all agreed and the driver turned around .We walked into the lobby and Tanya said "we should of checked the weather !" we all giggled and entered into the pool , which was a short walk from the lobby.

I got in the hot tub with Jeremy and Jim and we watched the others swim and splash each other and Louise was playing with Darcy in her inner tube, we discussed our flights in the morning and Jim and Tanya have a flight at 4 while Jeremy and i have one at 6. I got out of the hot tub and I wiped myself off and checked my phone '(1) missed call'
I didn't recognize the number until I went through my contacts and figured out it was Lukes number , I immediately called back , "hello?" "Hey you called?" "Uh yeah , it was Michael actually " "Michael is obsessed with me " "he is just depressed and needing love, we tried to get him a girlfriend and he always rejects them " " know how we used to be super close, you know me and Michael " "yeah?" "I'll try to make that happen okay?" "Okay I'll let him know ,he will dm you on Twitter okay?" "Okay thanks! Bye " and hung up and put my phone back in my bag .

I sat in my hotel room with Connor and he let me talk about Michael with him "so you two had a thing?" i nodded "yes , I felt bad pretty much when I did whatever with him" he nods and someone knocks "it's the police open up " I giggled and it was Jeremy , I gave him a kiss "how was the rest of swimming" he sits on the bed "it was good , everyone but us is down there" he says , I look at Connor and he stands up "I'm going to go now, I'll see you guys later okay ?" Connor waved and walked out of the room.

'Hey Michael , Luke told me you would DM me so here I am cause you didn't yourself . Anyways in sorry for the way Jeremy acted , he was just upset . but Luke said you are depressed and you need love so I think you know what I'm saying..i miss you, i miss the way we cuddled , i miss the way we kissed, i miss the way we acted like lovers and best friends but that all changed because i had a boyfriend . but i promise that i will change and make us better again .. Stella.xx" I stared at the screen , rereading the message in my head making sure if i really wanted to send this , i paced around the room looking at the message and looked at the send button and i pressed it and i threw my phone onto the bed and waited for Jeremy to get back with food and for Michael to respond.

i sat on my bed eating the burger Jeremy got me and i said "Connor said he wanted to tell us something later, he will be coming at like 8" he nods and takes a drink from his pepsi and we continued to watch the film. We were laying the bed and we heard someone knock on the door and i turn on a lamp and open the door and it was Connor , i let him in and he sat down on the office chair " okay , this is something i already told everyone so you can tell everyone and stuff , the video is uploading but anyways .I don't really care if you accept me or not but I'm gay, ever since middle school up until high school i've been hiding this big secret from everyone and its something i never thought i would tell anyone but here i am" we both looked at each other and Jeremy said "we accept you connor, dont worry" "we wouldnt hate you" i said ,he smiles "thanks guys" and he waved and left .

it was 1 am , i had a flight to go home at 4 and i laid in bed with jeremy asleep next to me, i laid there and i heard my phone get a notification so i reached under my pillow and i saw '@Michael5SOS : woah okay i love you !' , it wasnt a dm but it was in a tweet, i waited a minute and he replied "holy shit really?" , i typed "yup, when do you wanna see me ?" a minute later " now or tomorrow ? " i messaged back "i have at flight at 4 so not now :( are you going to be in london tomorrow?" he replied 5 minutes later " sorry needed to pee , no im going to be still in la for derpcon" i replied "okay,but im going to bed okay ? ... bye .x" and i turned off my phoe plugged my phone in and snuggled next to jeremy and I fell asleep.

Jeremy shook me awake and said "Stella we gotta get up" I look at the clock and said "holy shit I'm tired" I said as I slam my face back into the pillow and he giggles and lifts me up "I'll take you to the airport like this Stella get up" I remembered that we packed our bags last night and all we have to do is brush our hair and teeth , check out and go to the airport so that's what we did.

I sat myself in my seat and looked out the window and saw everyone getting on the plane "hey are you and the guys at the house?" I texted Liam ,he replied "yeah we are here , I'll let them know your coming," I put my phone on airplane mode and put in my headphones and fell asleep.

I woke up to our plane landing and Jeremy tapped my shoulder " we are here" I sat up "damn I slept that long?" He nodded and I turned off my phone and waited to get off.We claimed our bags and went to find out car,Jeremy pulled the key out of his pocket and we found our car and we got in and my phone went off and it was a FaceTime request , I looked at Jeremy and he was busy turning on the car so I declined and texted "can't lets text instead" he replied "okay , I'm coming to London..well me and the dudes so we will come over or something" . I didn't reply until we actually got home which was at 3:30 and I texted "sorry phone died" he quickly responded "hey , I'm at derp con rn so ill text you when I'm on the plane , love you x" I smiled and texted back "okay :) 💕" and I we pulled into the drive way "home sweet home " Jeremy says , we get out and I grabbed my suitcase and brought it into the house "Hey!" I said as I dragged my bag into the house "hey !" They all replied , the surrounded me in hugs and Jeremy walked in "hey guys !" They did the same and we got our bags and brought them upstairs , I opened my door threw my suitcase in the hall way and jumped on my bed "finally we are home" , I stood up grabbed some sweatpants and Jeremy's shirt and said "I'm going to shower " and I went in the bathroom and turned on the shower "hey getting in the shower ,don't text me I won't respond lmao" "wait" "oh yeah" "nvm hope your having fun 😂😳" I giggled at myself and when I read the texts and I shut off my phone and got in the shower .

I got out and I wrapped myself in my towel grabbed my phone and went into my room , I check my phone "omg omg are you out stay in the bathroom" Michael texted "hi i just got out " I texted him "send me pics babe " I read the text "they will get leaked no" i was shocked "fine I wanna see you in action anyways 😋😉" i smiled "hahaha okay ,you horny mother fucker , I'll FaceTime you later xx" I leave the bathroom and go into my room and Jeremy is laying on the bed "hey , I'm gonna shower too" he had his towels and he gave me a kiss on the cheek and went into the bathroom.
I texted Michael "hey ,Jeremy is in the shower lets FaceTime" he immediately texted back "I thought you said later but okay 😉" he called and I picked up and when I picked up his face appeared on the screen
"Hey babe"
"you look cute when you get out of the shower"
I smiled "thanks"
"Your smile is so cute I just can't"
"your cute"
"I can't wait to see you tomorrow"
"Me too"
"The things I'll do to you oh my god "
I then heard the door open
"Oh my god Jeremy is coming , love you bye"

I hang up and said "hey babe" he smiled "hey, never changed yet ?" I looked down "nope didn't want to " I picked up my clothes and I put on my sweatpants and his shirt and laid on the bed , I went downstairs and everyone was watching a film "just came to get a drink and say goodnight " , Niall replied "nighty night !" And I grabbed a bottle of water and went upstairs and went into my room and plugged my phone in and jumped on my bed.I wrapped my arms around Jeremy's waist and fell asleep.

#mella is partially back omg
#jella is still my fav tbh omg ok
it ain't a big deal but I'm going to on the road again tour , on July 21st so if you go we should like meet or something idk (going with BrokenAndUnfixable )

Short shitty chapter like always 😂

But anyways If you enjoyed this chapter Vote,comment and follow if you don't already :)

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