Chapter 15

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Since Dad And Jeremy's Mom let him stay here this weekend we should do something fun for him so we decided to go to the mall with the boys but the boys said they have to go to a video shoot and said we can walk there so we did.when walked there we stopped to talk to Perrie cause she was at the park just reading and talking on the phone so we decided to go to talk to her she was surprised to see me and she told me how she been wanting to give me something for a long time and she got a necklace out of her purse that was the infinity that said directioner,I just loved it i hugged her and we left .when we got the mall entrance a crap load of paparazzi was taking pictures of Jeremy and I so i went back outside and called Paul To help us out.when he got here he told all the paparazzi to leave imediatly and Paul followed us around the mall and when we got into the first store we say boyfriend girlfriend sweaters so we got these "Aye Shes mine and Aye He's Mine " sweaters but when we got to checkout Paul Said to use my debit card.I looked at him in shock because I didnt even know i had a debit card he said to look in my wallet...Wait I have a wallet? what else did the boys never tell me I look in my sweater and pulled out a wallet and inside of it was a debit card and $100 I went to the checkout and paid for the sweaters and we imediatly put them on we looked at the mirror in the mall and Jeremy strikes a really attractive pose and walked off. we told Paul he can go home and we will be fine alone he agreed and walked we were walking through out the mall I stopped and realized Jeremy has no clothes what so ever so I told him to follow me.we walked to forever 21 and picked out some skinny jeans and so nice shirts and sweaters. when we got out of the store he hugged me and gave me a kiss.after all the shopping we did we were just going to see a movie but then we saw the most popular girl in school (Her words NOT MINE" and it turns out that was Jeremy's Ex Girlfriend and he whispered something to me "Okay Lets try to make her jealous" I laughed and agreed we walked past her and held hands. we started to pick out a movie and she was standing right behind Jeremy whispering stuff like

•I want you Back

•Can we Be Just Friends?

•Why do you even date her anyways

and so on

he all replied no and even with the last question XD,she picked out the same movie as us and sat right behind us and Jeremy whispered "Kiss me!" I asked why and he said "Just to make her mad with jelousey " I agreed and we started to kiss but like 20 minutes later of kissing His Ex Got Up and Screamed and said "I HAD IT JEREMY WHY DONT YOU JUST UNDERSTAND THAT I WANT YOU BACK I DONT CARE THAT YOU ARE DATEING HER IM WAYYYY BETTER THAN HER ANYWAY IM MORE RICH THAN HER,IM MORE POPULAR THAN HER AND IM WAYYYY PRETTIER THAN HER SO C'MON JEREMY GET OFF YOUR LAZY STUPID A$$ AND DATE ME!!" everyone stared at her and Jeremy replied "Her Dad and brothers are One Direction and she is the most beautiful girl I ever dated and im going to stay with her for the rest of my life and love her every single minute" everyone awed and booed "Brooke" out of the theater We highfived and left out of the theater and started to walk home. when we were walking he stopped and pulled out a camera and he said he wanted a couple photos of me and him so I sat down posting as good as I can and he took the pictures then the last pictures was of me and him he smiled and started walking again.when we arrived to the house Harry had food ready for us at the table so we ate and went to bed he had to sleep in the same bed as me :) <3

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