Chapter 54

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"Japan!" Harry yelled as we got into the van "IM SO FUCKING EXCITED" Jeremy laid his head on my lap and fell asleep "I can't wait to explore the city" I said as I open a granola bar that Liam have given to me that morning."the whole flight I'm just going to sit back,listen to music"i laid back on my seat and plugged in my headphones and started listening to Fall Out Boy.I sat up from my seat and asked Jeremy "how long before we land?" He turned around and asked Zayn "How long before we land?",he whispered something back and replied back "around 4 hours,so how was your little nap" I shrugged "good" and laid back on my seat "We should like go out to dinner in japan or some shit" Jeremy says leaning his head on my shoulder "Yeah defiantly".We walked out of the plane and before we entered the airport we were giving red Kimonos and Liam asked "you ready?"and opened the door to the Airport,Boys and girls were chanting "1D,1D,1D!" and the boys and I stopped and signed for a lot of people and were pushed into a elevator by guards and when the doors shut Louis says "The whole time I was thinking,This is in Japan?!" We all giggled."We are going for a interview if you would like to come" Zayn says ,Jeremy and I shook our heads "we are going on a date" he raised his eyebrows "Really? Don't get frisky you two" he smirked and left the room we were placed in,"We can go to like a sus-"Jeremy's voice cracked "AWW!" I yelled,He covered his mouth and blushed "don't worry it was adorable" I said squishing his face,and kissed him,"No no that was embarrassing oh my gosh" I smiled "Shut up! no it wasn't!". We walked around The building and ended up outside,and started to explore Japan,there was a lady that approached us and gave us these weird medical masked to put on so we did , and looked for a near by sushi place."What the fuck" , I heard Jeremy from across the room , there was a young teenage boy flirting with me, I wasn't flirting back I was saying "No" "stop" "I have a boyfriend", i tried to avoid him and keep my distance and he tried to grab me , but I shoved him but I lost my shit at him when he grabbed my ass "OKAY STOP" i was crying so I ran to Jeremy and leaned my head into his and the boy approached me and Jeremy was not happy "WHAT THE FUCK?" they boy wanted to start something "let's take this outside" Jeremy shrugged his shoulders "Lets" and I said "NO",but we ended but getting escorted out the restaurant.We ended up running into Harry outside and hung out with him,"So explain what happened" I sighed "Well I went to go use the washroom and soon as I walked out some teenage boy approached me and started touching and flirting with me so I kept telling him to stop,he grabbed my ass and I ran to Jeremy crying and Jeremy was being all tough and shit and threatening to beat him up and we got escorted out the restaurant for Harassment" ,his eyes widened "Holy shit" he said"Don't worry its not your fault" and we continued walking and ended up turning around and went to the building that Louis told Harry to go to."I SAID SIT DOWN,SIT DOWN"Liam yelled,they were playing with little toy robots and Jeremy and I watched them fight as we drank our Bubble tea "Paris,oh my god this has been fun" I said,taking another long chug of bubble tea "then we are off to New York!" Jeremy added.We were placed onto a tour bus that was parked outside and we fell asleep there,the boys ended up staying up to explore japan and eat endless amounts of 7 eleven snacks.

Yoyo new chapter
So tomorrow will be 1 year since I started writing this fic
So i will be writing a short little thank you chapter but if you have a fanfic that you would like to gain more reads than comment please on this chapter ^_^
I want to give back to you guys!
So comment and I'll pick 6 and put them in my thank you little thingy
Love you my Oreo buttercup muffins
Goodnight/Goodmorning :)

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tumblr- Ultracatsmeow123 (I follow back)

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