Chapter 63

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_______________________________________________________________________________Jeremy's arms were wrapped around me when i woke up, i heard boys yelling and screaming downstairs which is why i woke up all the sudden,i shake Jeremy to wake up and he says "They are having a water gun fight in the house downstairs and outside and later we are going to the zoo later, our guns are beside you" i giggle and look on the side of my bed and saw brightly orange water guns for us, i stand up in my shorts and t-shirt and grab one of my guns, "c'mon" i say pulling the blanket off the bed "lets join them" and he stands up in his underwear and pus on shorts he found on the floor and grabbed one of the guns and ran out of my room onto the balcony down the hall, we stood on the balcony and i see Luke around the corner,and we start to spray him, he noticed at the last minute and looked up and started to spray us also, we move downstairs and see Michael and Liam spraying there guns at each other , Liam at the front door, Michael in the kitchen, we run down and Jeremy sprays Michael and i throw a water balloon that i found on the stairs, and threw it at Liam,I see Perrie,Josie,Zoe and Eleanor spraying each other with the water guns when Liam says "Lets do boys vs girls!" And we all agree and huddled into the front yard, and started to spray and throw water balloons at each other,i ran around the house and started the hose and started to spray the boys. "Oh no our t-shirts are too wet, maybe we should take them off?" Ashton says ,we all screamed "YES" they all huddled in a circle "only if you let us win and then we will take off our shirts" we all giggled and dropped out water guns and , they all took our water guns and started to spray us, i ran onto the road and the all followed behind me , "stop , stop wait a minute" i say "where the hell is Louis and harry they are missing all the fun!" we all run inside and we grabbed our guns and went into Harry's room, and before i opened the door i prepare our guns, the house was quiet and we can tell if they were awake or not, so we slammed Harry's door open and Louis was near taking off his pants while kissing Harry , "ahh shi-" and we started to spray us, and Eleanour stood behind us and pushed through us and said 'WHAT THE FUCK LOUIS" he surrenders "I'm sorry?' Louis says standing "Louis fuck you" and stormed out of the house, He sits up and places his hands on his face and starts crying "Great just great" and sighs and says "whatever" and kisses Harry, They both stand up and Louis takes off his shirt and says "Lets all go out for dinner tonight!" we all cheer and I say "Miley Cyrus is preforming tonight!" Jeremy does a girl screech "LETS SEE HER QUEEN MILEY!" We stared at Jeremy and giggled , "I'll order the tickets!" and Zayn runs downstairs, Liam smiled "well we should get chang-" Liam paused "where did Josie go?" we hear a car honking outside and harry runs to the balcony trying to cover the love marks that Louis left on his neck , "WHAT THE FUCK HARRY WHY HAVENT YOU TOLD ME THIS?!" Harry sighs "Baby please i-" i saw her stick her hand out and flip him off "OH SHIT" i say and drives off, Harry walks off the balcony and started saying to himself "i fucked up" "im such a fuck up" ,Louis pushes by us and runs off beside him and tries to make us Happy, I see someone from Modest parking our drive way and running in and starts to talk to Louis 'We talked with Eleanor, she agreed that she still wants to be paid and will not mention this situation" and he just left like that, Louis places his head on Harrys legs "i fucking hate this" Louis says , I walked more towards them and hugged them both."IMMA DO MY THANG!!" We sang as we drove to the concert, we were in a Party bus singing Miley songs, the arena was about a hour away but didnt feel like a very long drive,when we arrived it was madness, security was pushing peopl away but i saw Anthony,Jack,Andrew,Rebecca and Jenn getting pushed around I ran off the bus and yelled "ANTHONY!" he turned around and saw me he said "Oh my fucking god" and grabbed all of them and walked towards me and i waited in the path they set for all of us,"Stella!" and Anthony waved his hands in the air i grabbed his hand and pulled him and the rest over , we all walked in the stadium and we took them into the vip section and we watched the concert."THAT WAS AMAZING" Jenn said , We see someone open the door and i hear Jeremy and Calum screech and I turn around and Anthony screams "OH MY FUCKING GOD" and he hugs me ,"Hey guys!" And it was Miley,"HOLY SHIT HOLY SHIT HOLY SHIT" Jeremy says hugging Miley. "THANK YOU STELLA FOR THE BEST NIGHT OF MY LIFE!" Andrew says "Yeah no problem!" Jeremy smiles "you guys should like sleep over cause hella rad" , They look at each other "defiantly". By 12:00 we were still up and awake watching episodes of Orange is the new black and eating out 3d box of pizza, then we passed out , but I awoke to someone in the kitchen so I ran down and saw Michael , " hey" I say walking towards him , he smirked "you shouldn't be chewing gum in your sleep Stel" I sighed "your drunk" , he takes another swig of his vodka , he grabs my waist and pulls me towards him and pressed his lips against me and took the gum out of my mouth and let me go, "Michael" I say pushing him away, "I'll let this slide cause your drunk" I grab his hand and open the door to the basement and he walked down "goodnight babe" I sighed " goodnight Michael" and slammed the door and went back upstairs and rested into Jeremy's arms, he whispers "I Love you " i smiled " I Love you too" and he kisses the back of my head.


Omfg wow

..None of this happens at Digifest btw but hecka cool if it did XD

it be cool if I saw #Haileystyles or #Mella tweets aha idk

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Bye my Oreo buttercup muffins ❤️❤️

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