Chapter 81

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My alarm started to go off , Jeremy and I let out a groan and I sat up "woo school" I said sarcastically .I jumped off the bed and ran downstairs and I saw Michael just about to come up the stairs "hey the guys are outside and want to see you" I walk outside and the 5sos boys are standing in front of their bus , I started to give hugs to the guys and when I got to Michael he hugs me tighter "I'll miss you" I gave him a kiss and he says "keep in touch" he walked into the bus and the door shuts and drove away, i sighed and walked back inside and went upstairs and started to get ready for school .

I was in the middle of curling my hair when Jeremy says "do you think grade 11 is going to be hard " I shrugged and started to curl my hair again .I put on my shoes and grabbed my bag and said "lets go !" Louis walks over and kisses my forehead "don't make this year like last year okay?" I nodded and said "I'll try" and i grabbed my car keys and Jeremy and I started to drive to our school using the gps.

When we arrived there was people everywhere so we just walked inside the school to the office "hey can we get our class and stuff ". I asked "yup! You guys can go to the gym" I nodded and we followed someone into the gym and sat down . "Ok , Stella .. Tomlinson , Miss Gillian " I walked towards the teacher and stood patiently waiting for the rest of the "Jeremy ...Laws , Mr.Brooks" he glares at me and smiled .

We got to our lockers and our home rooms are next to each other "ok pick your lockers " I picked the one next to Jeremy and when we unlocked it he says "well shit this year will suck, I could see if Niall or someone will switch classes " I look at his schedule and said "we have the same class third , fourth and fifth" he smiles and said "well great ! and we will see each other between classes too !" I kiss him and we started to put stuff in my locker.

The bell rang and when it rang I saw Jeremy down the hall way so I ran and hugged him "hey babe" he laughs and said "hey !" We go to our lockers and grab our bags and walked to the doors and it was raining "this is so sappy but here's my jacket" I blushed "aww no it's cute " he took the jacket off his shoulder and wrapped it's around me , we walked to my car and we got in and started to drive home .

We walked into the house and I went to the kitchen and Liam was cutting vegetables "hey! How was school" I smiled and said "it was good ! But me and Jeremy aren't in the same home room but that's okay " he smiles and I asked "need some help?" He grabs a apron and a knife and says "yeah !".

I was preparing plates at the table when Jeremy comes next to me and says "so a girl in my class wants to get my number ,should I say yes" I stared at him and said "yes ? I don't know ,whatever floats your fancy" he looked at me and said "I'll just give her your number , you can say whatever" he wrapped his arms around my waist and says "cause your more important to me than ever" I smiled and said "dinner will be ready in-" and Liam pops his head out "now ! Boys ! Dinner " .

Everyone rushed to the table and started to eat "so let's talk about school" Zayn says and looks at Jeremy "you start" he sits up and says "well we have the same classes third , fourth and fifth " Harry lifts his eyebrow "really ? What classes " Jeremy takes a moment to remember his schedule and says "Geometry , math and gym " they all smiled "and we have our lockers next to each other " Niall smiled and said "okay ! And Stella how was your day?" I took the last piece of my chicken and said "well today was just like what we are going to be taught and shit" my phone started to vibrate "hey Jeremy ...😁" I giggled and Jeremy says "who is that ?" I said "its that girl " , I ate my last piece and then took my plate to the kitchen and said "I'll be upstairs"

"hey " "tbh your such a babe 😍 lets hang sometime " "lmao ok but this is his girlfriend and just don't text Jeremy again ✌️" "what , ok didn't know he had a girlfriend do you go to our school" "duh , anyways byeeeeeee" . I giggled as I put my phone down and went over to my closet and grabbed shorts and a t-shirt and put them on "hey baby" I turn around and Jeremy is standing there "hey , do you think I should wear this to school" I held up a one direction shirt and sweatpants "or this" and I held up leggings and one of Jeremy's sweaters . He looked at both of them and said "this one , cause so people know your mine" I smiled and went up to him and hugged him "I'll always be yours"

I stayed up on Twitter and I get a notification from Michael "shit shit shit " i exit Twitter and texted him "what happened omg " with the screen shot of the tweet "oh I stubbed my toe 😂" I screenshot the text and tweeted "oh silly boy @Michael5SOS " I laughed and plugged in my phone and got up and turned the lights off. I yelled "Jeremy !!" He peeked through the door "I need my cuddle buddy" he laughed and jumped onto the bed , he looked over at the clock and says " its too early to sleep isn't it ?" I laughed and said "its 10:30 and we have school " he smiled and said "okay lets sleep now I guess , goodnight " I giggled and kissed his forehead and fell asleep.

OMG this chapter is so short , sappy and dumb 😭 I'm sorry

So hi I actually suck at writing but I can't stop 😭😭

But goodnight/goodmorning 💕 and if nobody told you already your fucking beautiful and ilysm

But anyways If you enjoyed this chapter Vote,comment and follow if you don't already :)

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